Final report
Table of Contents
List of Tables, Figures and Boxes
     Figure 1: Communication plan outline
     Figure 2: Campaign Flighting
     Figure 3: Local communication actions
     Figure 4: Levels of communication in Hungary
     Figure 5: Niger customer support strategy
     Figure 6: DTTB
     Figure 7: Analogue Switch-Off standard message and logo
     Figure 8: Number of appearances of the informative messages about the ASO in Brazil
     Figure 9: Website for informing the population in Brazil
     Figure 10: Structure of technical facilities for informal-analytical system
     Figure 11: Structure of news portal
     Figure 12: Structure of regulatory information portal
     Figure 13: Out-of-home campaign material in Brazil
     Figure 14: Out-of-home campaign material in Hungary
     Figure 15: Structure of the geoanalytical portal of the informal-analytical system
     Figure 16: The geoanalytical portal an example a Russian region
     Figure 17: Satellite direct TV by operators
     Figure 18: Coverage areas of digital terrestrial television. The first multiplex on the example of coverage of the Central European part of Russian Federation by the first multiplex of DTTV
     Figure 19: Web and mobile applications for informing consumers about DTT coverage
     Figure 20: Call center online and offline channels and mobile apps for consumer outreach
     Figure 21: Social media as a tool to inform consumers
     Figure 22: DTV mascot from Thailand
     Figure 23: Out-of-home campaigning in Thailand
     Figure 24: Out-of-home material used in Thailand
     Figure 25: RDC infrastructure and the communication strategy
     Figure 26: Receiver Standardization Initiative of ADB countries
     Figure 27: Thailand coupon letter
     Figure 28: Thailand coupon program
Executive Summary
     i.	Introduction
     ii.	Background on communication strategies for the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting
1	CHAPTER 1 – Communication planning to accelerate the process of public awareness about digital broadcasting
     1.1	Communication planning
2	CHAPTER 2 – Information campaigns for the general public
     2.1	Informational-explanatory campaigns
          2.1.1	Tasks of informational-explanatory campaigns
     2.2	Online information platforms
          2.2.1	Informal-analytical system for exhibition and analysis of efficiency of the process of transition to digital television in Russian Federation
     2.3	Online information platforms
3	CHAPTER 3 – Media communication campaigns
     1.1	Traditional media campaigns
     1.2	Social and digital media campaigns
4	CHAPTER 4 – Communication strategies targeted to low income population
Abbreviations and acronyms