Output Report on ITU-D Question 7/1 - Access to telecommunication/ICT services by persons with disabilities and other persons with specific needs
Table of contents
List of figure
Executive summary
     i. Introduction
     ii. Statement of the situation
     iii. Impact of COVID-19 on telecommunication/ICT accessibility
Abbreviations and acronyms
Chapter 1 – Telecommunication/ICT accessibility policy and regulatory framework
     1.1. Policy and regulatory frameworks for telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities and other persons with specific needs, and tools to foster their implementation
     1.2. Guidelines for amending existing legislation to implement ICT accessibility
     1.3. Overview of current policies and regulations for telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities and other persons with specific needs
     1.4. Good practices, challenges and available case studies
Chapter 2 – Technologies and solutions in an ICT-accessible ecosystem
     2.1. Mobile communication accessibility policy framework
     2.2. Television/video programming accessibility policy framework
     2.3. Policy approaches to web accessibility
     2.4. Accessible ICT public procurement policies and strategies
Chapter 3 – Requirements and guidelines to promote, implement and use accessible public telecommunication and ICT spaces
     3.1. Requirements for relay services for persons with disabilities and other persons with specific needs
     3.2. ICT accessibility in education
     3.3. Requirements for accessible mobile phones and apps for older persons with age‑related disabilities
Chapter 4 – Conclusions and general recommendations
     4.1. Key issues to be considered for implementing a telecommunication/ICT accessibility policy and regulatory framework for persons with disabilities and persons with specific needs in all countries
     4.2. Promoting accessibility in public ICT spaces, such as telecentres and public payphones
     4.3. Promoting accessibility tools for accessible e-education, which can be used for people who have difficulties mastering reading and writing
     4.4. Key policy considerations for web accessibility
     4.5. Key policy considerations for accessible mobile phones and services
     4.6. Key issues identified by members in regard to developing policies and services for accessibility of audiovisual media content
     4.7. Key considerations in the area of public procurement
     4.8. Final comments – Food for thought
Annex 1: Overview of good practices and achievements in ICT accessibility worldwide
Annex 2: ITU-D resources on ICT accessibility
Annex 3: Accessibility-related information pertaining to the other ITU Sectors and cooperation with the Joint Coordination Activity on accessibility and human factors (JCA-AHF)