QUESTION 7-1/1 � Report on innotative
solutions for the management
and financing of universal
service and universal
access policies
1 Study of the issue
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Relevant information sources and working documents
2 Developing a universal access/service policy
2.1 Principles of universal access/service policies
2.2 Defining universal service/access
2.3 Policies tailored to needs
3 How should universal access/service be financed?
3.1 Cost evaluation
3.1.1 Principle of evaluation of the cost of the universal access/service obligations
3.1.2 Methods of calculating net cost
3.1.3 Calculating intangible benefits
3.2 Comparison of financing mechanisms
3.2.1 Service obligations
3.2.2 Cross-subsidization
3.2.3 Access deficit charges
3.2.4 Universal access/service funds
3.3 Innovative management and financing solutions
3.3.1 Tripartite financing partnerships
3.3.2 Capacity for generating funds internally
4 How should universal access/service be implemented?
4.1 Implementation
4.1.1 Technical implementation
4.1.2 Implementation by one or more operators
4.2 Control by the national regulator
4.3 Review of universal access/service arrangements
5 What key factors determine the success of national experiences?
5.1 Political will and sector reform
5.2 Public-private-civil society partnerships
5.3 Involvement of local groups and rural communities
5.4 Opportunities created by collective access to telecommunication services
6 Conclusions
Annex A � Guidelines
Annex B � Work schedule of rapporteur's group
Annex C � Programme of seminar on universal access/service