Telecommunication industry in the post-COVID-19 world
Table of Contents
List of acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
1 The extent of the digital divide
2 Business and operating models
     2.1 Wireless infrastructure sharing
     2.2 Creation of wholesale rural wireless infrastructure companies
     2.3 Wireline infrastructure sharing
     2.4 The role of 5G in bridging the digital divide
3 Innovative financing models
     3.1 Traditional project finance model
     3.2 Municipal financing models
     3.3 Pooled financing models as co-investment mechanisms
     3.4 Public-private partnerships
     3.5 Policies and regulations to reduce the cost of network development inputs
     3.6 Auctions for subsidies
4 Risks to development of low-cost operating models to bridge the digital divide
5 Conclusions