Executive Summary
1 The context for roaming in East Africa
2 ONA legal/regulatory framework
3 Effectiveness of operational arrangements adopted between governments and operators (Survey responses: MNOs and regulators on ONA)
4 Regional price caps
5 Extending the ONA framework to data products and services
6 Changes in cross border traffic volumes and tariffs since ONA adoption
7 The issue of permanent roaming
8 Conclusions, recommendations, and requirements for extending the ONA model to other Smart Africa Initiative Members
Annex A: Roaming tariffs before and after introduction of the One Network Area
Annex B: Interviewees for this case study
Table 1: Ratio of revenue to cost
Table 2: Rwanda: Incoming and outgoing voice roaming traffic per operator
Figure 1: ONA tariff impact on voice roaming traffic: Kenya
Figure 2: Glide path from price caps to Roam Like At Home
Figure 3: Framework for regional regulation of roaming
Figure 4: Implementing regional policy domestically
Figure 5: Voice price caps based on tariff data
Figure 6: ONA tariff impact on voice roaming traffic: Rwanda
Figure 7: ONA tariff impact on voice roaming traffic: Kenya
Figure 8: Web page promoting call re-file products
Figure 9: Police photograph from a raid on a SIM boxing portal