The impact of policies, regulation, and institutions on ICT sector performance
List of tables, figures and boxes
Executive summary
1. Introduction
2. Model to assess the impact of the policy context on market outcomes
     2.1. Research review
     2.2. A causal model to frame the impact of policy and institutional factors on ICT sector performance
3. Key drivers of fixed and mobile telecommunication investment
4. Drivers of performance and impact of mobile telecommunications
5. Conclusions
A. Research literature review
     A.1 A causal framework
     A.2 System dynamics influencing the causal framework
     A.3 Transborder effects
     A.4 Difference between advanced economies and developing countries
B. Countries included in the empirical analysis
C. Variables for the empirical analysis
D. Empirical methodology
     D.1 Model specification
     D.2 Empirical strategy
E. Detailed estimation results
     E.1 Estimation of investment equation for the combined fixed and mobile sectors
     E.2 Estimation of the complete structural model for the mobile segment