How broadband, digitization and ICT regulation impact the global economy Global econometric modelling
List of tables and figures
Executive summary: How broadband and digitization impact the global economy
1 Fixed broadband and its impact on the economy
     1.1 Impact of fixed broadband at global and regional levels
     1.2 What the modelling showed globally and by region
2. Mobile broadband and its impact on the economy
     2.1 Impact of mobile broadband at global and regional levels
     2.2 What the modelling showed globally and by region
     2.3 Fixed vs. mobile broadband – economic impact by level of development
3 The economic impact of digitization
     3.1 An index to measure the development of digital ecosystems: 8 pillars, 64 indicators
     3.2 Digitization correlates with economic development
     3.3 Digitization – on par with mobile broadband in boosting economies
4 Policy and regulation drive development of digitization
Annex A: Review of the related research literature
Annex B: Countries analysed for economic impact of fixed and mobile broadband
Annex C: Data sources for models testing the economic impact of fixed and mobile broadband
Annex D: Indicators included in the Digital Ecosystem Development Index and data sources
Annex E: Econometric methodology