Implementing 5G for Good: Do electromagnetic fields matter?
Table of contents
List of tables and figures
1 Introduction
     1.1 The recent landscape
     1.2 Purpose of the report
2 Review of ITU Recommendations, Reports and conferences, by ITU Sector
     2.1 ITU General Secretariat
          2.1.1 Context in relation to RF-EMF
          2.1.2 ITU Resolution 176 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) of the Plenipotentiary Conference
     2.2 ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T)
          2.2.1 Context in relation to RF-EMF
          2.2.2 ITU-T Study Group 5 Question 3/5
          2.2.3 ITU-T resources relating to EMF and 5G
          2.2.4 Characteristics of 5G emissions detailed by ITU-T
     2.3 ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R)
          2.3.1 Context in relation to RF-EMF
          2.3.2 ITU-R resources relating to EMF and 5G
          2.3.3 Identification of IMT frequency bands by the World Radiocommunication Conference (Sharm el-Sheikh, 2019) (WRC-19)
     2.4 ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D)
          2.4.1 Context in relation to RF-EMF
          2.4.2 ITU-D resources relating to EMF and 5G
3 References to relevant international organizations/standardization bodies
     3.1 World Health Organization (WHO)
          3.1.1 Context in relation to RF-EMF
          3.1.2 Exposure levels from 5G infrastructure?
          3.1.3 What are the potential health risks from 5G?
          3.1.4 What is WHO doing?
     3.2 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and its Guidelines
          3.2.1 Context in relation to RF-EMF
          3.2.2 ICNIRP (2020) tables and figures
     3.3 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and its standard IEEE C95.1-2019
          3.3.1 Context in relation to RF-EMF
          3.3.2 C95.1-2019 reference levels: Safety factors applying 100 kHz - 6 GHz – thermal effects
          3.3.3 Dosimetric reference limits and exposure reference level
     3.4 Characteristics of 5G emissions detailed by IEC/IEEE
     3.5 Comparing ICNIRP (1998), IEEE C95-1-2019 and ICNIRP (2020)
          3.5.1 Comparison for exposure from base stations
          3.5.2 Limits applicable to 5G cellular handsets
4 Open issues directly and indirectly related to RF-EMF health hazards
     4.1 Context in relation to RF-EMF
     4.2 Open issues directly related to human health hazards
     4.3 Social and economic risks indirectly related to human health hazards
          4.3.1 Misinformation
          4.3.2 Delays in installing base stations
          4.3.3 Economic cost for society
     4.4 Number of base stations
5 ITU initiatives and opportunities
     5.1 Human capacity building opportunities
     5.2 ITU workshops, initiatives and recent events related to EMF
6 Conclusions
Abbreviations and acronyms