Digital Skills Insights
About this publication
List of figures, tables and charts
     Digital skills and COVID-19
     Digital skills gap
     Digital skills and the digital divide
     Overview of the publication
     List of references
Will all jobs require programming skills in the growing digital society?
     Concepts and terminology
     Impact of the digital industry on jobs evolution
     Digital skills acquisition approaches
     Beyond digital skills: Post-AI and computational thinking
     List of references
Bibliometric analysis for mapping digital skills for future jobs
     Data collection and methodology
     Conclusions and future research
     List of references
Impact of AI on employment
     Empirical findings on the impact of AI on employment
     Downstream impacts: Job migration via reskilling
     List of references
Digital skills for gig workers in digital platforms
     The labour market in the gig market economy
     Digital skills
     The fieldwork
     Essential digital skills for the gig labour market
     List of references
Data citizenship framework: exploring citizens’ data literacy through ,and
     Conceptualizing Data Citizenship
     Me and My Big Data survey design and analysis
     Survey findings
     Data Citizenship in practice: Recommendations
     List of references
#eSkills4Policymakers: From policy recommendations to policy action – Training policy-makers on gender equality in ICT policy formulation
     Defining the problem: Governments need sex-disaggregated ICT data to close the ICT gender gap
     Formulating gender-responsive ICT policy
     Policy-makers must REACT
     Lessons from #eSkills4Policymakers workshops in Eastern and Southern Africa, West Africa and the Asia-Pacific region on creating gender-responsive ICT policies
     List of references
Tracking global gender gaps in information technology using online data
     Data and methods
     Gender gaps in IT industries
     Women in IT industries: Exploring selection effects
     Explaining gender gaps in IT industries
     Validating LinkedIn gender gaps in IT
     List of references
Mind the gender gap: Designing digital skills capacity-building programmes in Africa within the context of the global digital gender divide
     Digital skills and the future of Africa
     The digital gender divide
     Paradigm Initiative: A unique approach defying cultural stereotypes
     Lack of representation
     Interaction with authority figures
     The role of career role models
     Conclusion: Neglecting a significant part of the population
     List of references
About the Contributors
List of Acronyms
Figure 2.1. Examples of industries’ digitization pace and types of adopted digital tools/solutions pre- and post-Internet
Figure 2.2. Examples of programming languages
Figure 2.3. High-level and hardware programming languages
Figure 2.4. Example of programming languages syntax (to write ‘Hello World’ onscreen)
Figure 2.5. Pedagogy and andragogy learning approaches
Figure 2.6. Human thinking and ‘computational’ thinking: beyond digital skills
Figure 3.1.Co-occurrence of author keywords
Figure 3.2.Evolution of author keywords co-occurrence
Figure 3.3. Digital skills among population, 2019
Figure 5.1. Digital skills for transportation gig platforms
Visual representation of Me and My Big Data Project
Figure 6.2. Visual representation of the Data Citizenship framework and its three areas of expertise: Data Thinking, Data Doing and Data Participation
Visual representation of Me and My Big Data Digital Media Users
Figure 7.1. Digital gender equality
Figure 7.2. REACT framework
Figure 7.3. Tackling gender perceptions
Figure 8.1. World map of the GGI (female/male) of LinkedIn users in IT industries
Figure 8.2. Box and whisker plot of the GGI (female/male) of LinkedIn users in IT industries across countries
Figure 8.3. Box and whisker plot of the GGI (female/male) of LinkedIn users in IT industries across countries, faceted by geographic region
Figure 8.4. Box and whisker plot of the GGI (female/male) of LinkedIn users in IT industries across countries, faceted by income region
Figure 8.5. Scatter plot comparing low-level digital gender gaps as approximated by the FB GGI (horizontal axis) and high-skilled digital gender gaps as approximated by LinkedIn IT GGI (vertical axis)
Figure 8.6. Scatter plot comparing the overall LinkedIn GGI (horizontal axis) and the LinkedIn IT GGI (vertical axis)
Figure 8.7. Scatter plot comparing the ILO IT GGI (horizontal axis) and the LinkedIn IT GGI (vertical axis)
Figure 9.1. PIN’s programme assistant in the Ajegunle, Lagos Digital Skills Training Centre taking a class
Figure 9.2. Programme Assistant in PIN’s digital skills capacity-building programme in Ajegunle, Lagos in a meeting with parents and community leaders
Figure 9.3. A mentoring session with students at PIN’s digital skills capacity-building programme in Ajegunle, Lagos
Table 2.1. Education literacies and digital skills-related terms
Table 3.1.Summary of methodology used
Table 3.2.Sources with the highest number of citations
Table 3.3. Top 10 countries by number of documents
Table 6.2. Eight areas of expertise associated with Data Thinking
Table 6.3. Four areas of expertise associated with Data Participation
‘Me and My Big Data’ digital media user types and their demographics
Table 8.1. Summary of linear regression models predicting the LinkedIn IT GGI from gender inequality indicators
Table 8.2. Correlations between LinkedIn IT GGI and various development and gender-specific development indicators
Table 8.3. Summary of linear regression models predicting the LinkedIn IT GGI from development indicators
Table 9.1. PIN’s digital skills capacity-building programme in Ajegunle enrolment data, 2007–2019.
Chart 3.1.Annual publications in digital skills, 2014–2020