Digital Skills Insights 2019
About this publication
List of tables and figures
The use of reference frameworks to support digitally competent citizens – the case of DigComp
     Digital competence reference frameworks
     DigComp: The European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens
     Reference frameworks: Highlighting commonalities and differences
     Use cases for digital reference frameworks: practices from DigComp
     Other frameworks for digital competence by the European Commission
     List of references_6
Liberal arts in the context of automation and artificial intelligence
     From the Academy to the academic disciplines
     Liberal arts and liberal education
     Digital technologies and automation
     List of references_5
Transitioning from the era of capacity building to an era of capacity augmentation: how human and computing capacity can partner for social impact
     Impact story: Data-driven governance in Andhra Pradesh, India
     Moore’s law and the technology imperative for social impact at scale
     Capacity augmentation in capacity-building circles
     Impact story: Partnering for capacity augmentation – “Internet Saathi”
     Inhibitors and enablers
     List of references_4
Rethinking capacity building in the digital era: The African context
     What does digitization and technological transformation mean for Africa?
     Approaches to improve capacity building in Africa
     List of references_3
Addressing the challenges of teaching the Internet of Things
     Technical content
     Soft skills
     Teaching paradigms
     List of references_2
Skills shortages and mismatch in the ICT labour market: Challenges for skill development in India, Indonesia and Thailand
     Trends in the ICT labour markets and skills mismatch in study countries
     Skills development policies, strategies and challenges
     List of references_1
Achieving digital transformation in Small Island Developing States
     Digital transformation in specific sectors in SIDS
     Building human capacity in SIDS
     Challenges to digital transformation in SIDS
     Skillsets for digital transformation
     List of references_0
ICT skills in Small Island Developing States: ICT capacity building, economic opportunities and brain drain
     ICTs in Pacific SIDS: Revisiting the relationship between ICT skills and economic opportunities
     Case selection, hypotheses and research design
     Measuring ICT skills in SIDS
     Participation in ICT capacity building in SIDS
     The impact of ICT skills and ICT capacity building on economic opportunities in SIDS
     List of references
About the Contributors
Table 1.1. Mapping between DigComp and MIL
Table 6.1: Employment in the ICT sector in India, Indonesia and Thailand
Table 7.1: Key skillsets required to achieve digital transformation of critical sectors
Table 8.1: Population, GDP per capita, and Internet users in sampled SIDS
Table 8.2: Overview of significant relationships between variables
Figure 1.1. Main purposes for use of a digital reference framework in education, training and employment
Figure 1.2. Digital Skills Indicator (Internet users): above basic level
Figure 5.1: The main IoT loop
Figure 7.1: Demonstration of drone employed for agricultural applications in Jamaica
Figure 7.2: Members of Women in Business Development Inc., which encourages certified organic farming enterprises in Samoa
Figure 7.3: Interface of app developed by local entrepreneur to encourage reduced energy consumption
Figure 7.4: Participants at L’École Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haiti, which is a partner of the AYITIC programme that trains Haitian women to be part of the digital economy
Figure 8.1: ICT Skills Indicator (ISI), by gender
Figure 8.2: ICT Skills Indicator (ISI), by location
Figure 8.3: Participation in ICT capacity building, by category