Landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) in the Americas region - Connectivity challenges and opportunities Paraguay
Table of Contents
List of Tables, Figures and Boxes
1 Introduction
1.1 Objective of this report
2 Paraguay today
2.1 Demographics and economic indicators
2.2 Regulation and policy
2.2.1 National legislation
2.2.2 National telecommunication plan 2016 to 2020
2.2.3 Regulation of the universal services fund
2.3 Connectivity and benchmarking
2.3.1 Fixed telephone subscriptions
2.3.2 Mobile telephone subscriptions
2.3.3 Fixed broadband subscriptions
2.3.4 Active mobile broadband subscriptions
2.3.5 Households with a computer
2.3.6 Households with Internet access
2.3.7 Individuals using Internet
2.3.8 International Internet bandwidth per Internet user
2.4 ICT Development Index and ICT prices and affordability
2.4.1 ICT Development Index
2.4.2 Prices
2.5 Paraguay main indicators broadband and Internet access
2.5.1 Access technologies
2.5.2 Internet access
2.5.3 National backbone
2.5.4 Internet exchange point
2.5.5 International connectivity
3 Use of ICTs in Paraguay
3.1 Main ICT players
3.2 Special projects
3.2.1 The national telecommunication plan
3.2.2 Universal service fund projects
3.2.3 National cybersecurity plan
3.2.4 SENATICs initiative
4 Challenges and opportunities
4.1 Challenges
4.2 Opportunities
4.2.1 Policy and regulation
4.2.2 Infrastructure
4.2.3 National telecommunication plans
4.2.4 Improving international communications
4.2.5 Collaboration between Bolivia and Paraguay
5 Recommendations
5.1 Policy and regulation harmonization
5.2 Open fixed broadband access, backbone sharing
5.3 From national broadband plans to digital society
5.4 Telecentres
5.5 Improving international interconnection (ITU, 2016d)
6 Project proposal
6.1 Project proposed
6.1.1 Open access FTTH network
6.1.2 Sustainable telecentres in underserved populated areas
Annex 1 – Paraguay mission and workshops
Annex 2 – References
Table 1: Main economic indicators for Paraguay
Table 2: Range of SENATICs services
Table 3: Subsidies: Universal Service Fund
Figure 1: Population distribution (by department)
Figure 2: Age distribution of population
Figure 3: Population growth 2007-2015
Figure 4: GDP per capita growth (annual %)
Figure 5: GNI per capita growth (annual %)
Figure 6: Employment by economic sector
Figure 7: Benchmarking fixed telephone subscriptions
Figure 8: Benchmarking mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions
Figure 9: Benchmarking fixed broadband subscriptions
Figure 10: Benchmarking active mobile broadband subscriptions
Figure 11: Benchmarking households with a computer
Figure 12: Benchmarking households with Internet access at home
Figure 13: Benchmarking individuals using Internet
Figure 14: Benchmarking Internet bandwidth (bit/s) per Internet user
Figure 15: Benchmarking
Figure 16: Benchmarking the Americas region IDI
Figure 17: Benchmarking broadband prices
Figure 18: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI per capita speeds and caps
Figure 19: Prepaid handset-based mobile broadband prices (500 Mbit per month) as a percentage of GNI p.c. and data volume (cap) included, in the Americas, 2015 and 2014
Figure 20: Access technologies: fixed/mobile
Figure 21: Access technologies
Figure 22: Access technologies: Fixed
Figure 23: Access technologies: Fixed broadband evolution
Figure 24: Access technologies: Mobile subscriptions
Figure 25: Internet connectivity
Figure 26: Fixed Internet connectivity
Figure 27: Mobile Internet connectivity
Figure 28: Home indicators per Department
Figure 29: Backbone network, 2015
Figure 30: Mobile coverage 2015
Figure 31: International bandwidth (Mbit/s)