Handbook for the Collection of Administrative Data on Telecommunications/ICT 2020 
List of boxes, tables and figures
I. Introduction
II. Data collection, compilation and dissemination
     Data Collection
     Role of ITU in the collection and dissemination of telecommunication/ICT data
III. Indicators
1 Fixed-telephone networks
     Indicator 1.1: Total capacity of local public switching exchanges (i117)
     Indicator 1.2: Number of households covered by a fixed wired network, by network technology (i4213cv)
     Indicator 1.3: Fixed-telephone subscriptions (i112)
     Indicator 1.4: Analogue fixed-telephone lines (i112a)
     Indicator 1.5: VoIP subscriptions (i112IP)
     Indicator 1.6: Fixed wireless local loop subscriptions (i112w)
     Indicator 1.7: ISDN subscriptions (i28)
     Indicator 1.8: ISDN voice-channel equivalents (i28c)
     Indicator 1.9: Public payphones (i1112)
     Indicator 1.10: Percentage of fixed-telephone subscriptions that are residential (i116)
     Indicator 1.11: Percentage of fixed-telephone subscriptions in urban areas (i1162)
     Indicator 1.12: Fixed-telephone numbers ported (i112pt)
2 Mobile-cellular networks
     2.1 Subscriptions
     Indicator 2.1: Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions, by postpaid/prepaid (i271)
     Indicator 2.2: Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions, by technology (i271)
     Indicator 2.3: Active mobile-broadband subscriptions (i271mw)
     Indicator 2.4: Active subscriptions to LTE/WiMAX mobile broadband (i271mwa)
     2.2 Coverage
     Indicator 2.5: Percentage of the land area covered by mobile-cellular network (i271Land)
     Indicator 2.6: Percentage of the population covered by a mobile-cellular network (i271pop)
     Indicator 2.7: Percentage of the population covered by at least a 3G mobile network (i271G)
     Indicator 2.8: Percentage of the population covered by at least a 4G/LTE mobile network (i271GA)
     2.3 Portability
     Indicator 2.9: Mobile-cellular numbers ported (i271pt)
     2.4 Data services
     Indicator 2.10: Machine-to-Machine (M2M) mobile-network subscriptions (i271m2m)
     2.5 Spectrum
     Indicator 2.11: Amount of spectrum allocated for IMT systems, in MHz (i271_spec_a)
     Indicator 2.12: Amount of spectrum licensed for IMT systems, in MHz (i271_spec_li)
3 Internet
     3.1International bandwidth
     Indicator 3.1: Lit/equipped international bandwidth capacity, in Mbit/s (i4214l)
     Indicator 3.2: International bandwidth usage, in Mbit/s (i4214u)
     Indicator 3.3: Domestic Internet bandwidth, in Mbit/s (i4214d)
     3.2 Fixed Internet subscriptions
     Indicator 3.4: Fixed Internet subscriptions (i4213)
     Indicator 3.5: Fixed-broadband subscriptions, by technology (i4213tfbb)
     Indicator 3.6: Fixed-broadband subscriptions, by speed (i4213sp)
     Indicator 3.7: Fixed-broadband subscriptions for organizations (i4213tfb_o)
     3.3 Leased lines
     Indicator 3.8: Leased-line subscriptions (i4213l)
4 Bundles
     Indicator 4.1: Subscriptions to fixed-broadband and fixed-telephone bundles (i4213_2x)
     Indicator 4.2: Subscriptions to fixed-broadband, fixed-telephone and pay TV bundles (i4213_3x)
5 Traffic
     5.1 Fixed-telephone traffic
     Indicator 5.1: Domestic fixed-to-fixed telephone traffic, in minutes (i131m)
     Indicator 5.2: Fixed-to-mobile telephone traffic, in minutes (i1313wm)
     Indicator 5.3: International incoming and outgoing fixed-telephone traffic, in minutes (i132mb)
     5.2 Mobile telephone traffic
     Indicator 5.4: Domestic mobile-telephone traffic, in minutes (i133wm)
     Indicator 5.5: Outgoing mobile traffic to international, in minutes (i1333wm)
     Indicator 5.6: Incoming international traffic to mobile network, in minutes (i1335wm)
     Indicator 5.7: Roaming by home subscribers abroad (outbound roaming), in minutes (i1334wm)
     Indicator 5.8: Roaming by foreign subscribers (inbound roaming), in minutes (i1336wm)
     Indicator 5.9: SMS/MMS roaming by domestic subscribers (outbound SMS roaming) (i1334sms)
     Indicator 5.10: SMS/MMS roaming by foreign subscribers (inbound SMS roaming) (i1336sms)
     Indicator 5.11: SMS sent (i133sms)
     Indicator 5.12: SMS international (i133smsi)
     Indicator 5.13: MMS sent (i133mms)
     Indicator 5.14: VoIP traffic, in minutes (i131VoIP)
     Indicator 5.15: Total international incoming and outgoing telephone traffic, in minutes (i132tb)
     5.3 Internet traffic
     Indicator 5.16: Domestic Internet traffic (137d)
     Indicator 5.17: Fixed-broadband Internet traffic, in exabytes (i135tfb)
     Indicator 5.18: Mobile broadband Internet traffic - within the country (i136mwi)
     Indicator 5.19: Mobile broadband Internet traffic outside the country - data roaming out (136mwo)
6 Employment, Revenue and Investment
     6.1 Persons employed
     Indicator 6.1: Full-time equivalent telecommunication employees (i51), by operator type
     Indicator 6.2: Full-time equivalent telecommunication employees (i51), by gender
     6.2 Revenue from telecommunication services
     Indicator 6.3: Revenue from all telecommunication services (i75)
     Indicator 6.4: Revenue from fixed-telephone services (i71)
     Indicator 6.4a: Revenue from fixed-telephone connection charges (i711)
     Indicator 6.4b: Revenue from fixed-telephone subscription charges (i712)
     Indicator 6.4c: Revenue from fixed-telephone calls (i713)
     Indicator 6.5: Revenue from fixed Internet services (i7311)
     Indicator 6.6: Revenue from leased lines (i732)
     Indicator 6.7: Revenue from fixed value-added telecommunication services (i733)
     Indicator 6.8: Revenue from mobile networks (i741)
     Indicator 6.9: Revenue from international inbound roaming (i76ri)
     Indicator 6.10: Other telecommunication revenue (i74)
     6.3 Investment
     Indicator 6.11: Annual investment in telecommunication services (i81)
     Indicator 6.12: Annual investment in non-tangible assets (i81t)
     Indicator 6.13: Annual foreign investment in telecommunications (i841f)
7 Broadcasting indicators
     7.1 Multichannel TV subscriptions
     Indicator 7.1: Multichannel TV subscriptions (i965m)
     Indicator 7.2: Terrestrial multichannel TV subscriptions (i965c)
     Indicator 7.3: Satellite TV subscriptions (i965s)
     Indicator 7.4: IPTV subscriptions (i965IP)
8 Quality of service indicators
     Indicator 8.1: Faults per 100 fixed-telephone lines per year (i143)
     Indicator 8.2: Percentage of fixed-telephone faults cleared by next working day (i141)
     Indicator 8.3: Mobile cellular unsuccessful call ratio (i146u)
     Indicator 8.4: Mobile cellular dropped call ratio (i146d)
     Indicator 8.5: Complaints per 100 mobile cellular subscriptions (i146c)
     Indicator 8.6: Complaints per 100 mobile broadband subscriptions (i146mw)
     Indicator 8.7: Complaints per 100 fixed broadband subscriptions (i147c)
     Indicator 8.8: Service activation time for fixed broadband service (i147t)
9 ICT Price data collection and benchmarking
     9.1 Baskets revision 2018
     9.2 Prices of mobile network services
     Basket 1: Mobile-cellular low-usage basket
     Basket 2: Mobile broadband data and voice basket: low usage
     Basket 3: Mobile broadband data and voice basket: high usage
     Basket 4: Mobile-broadband data-only basket
     9.3 Prices of fixed network services
     Basket 5: Fixed-broadband 5 GB basket
     9.4 Fixed telephone service prices
     Indicator 9.1: Installation fee for residential telephone service (i151)
     Indicator 9.2: Monthly subscription for residential telephone service (i152)
     Indicator 9.3: Price of a three-minute call to a fixed-telephone line
     Indicator 9.4: Price of a three-minute-call to a mobile-cellular phone (i153fm)
     Indicator 9.5: Installation fee for business telephone service (i151b)
     Indicator 9.6: Monthly subscription for business telephone service (i152b)
ANNEX 1: Summary of indicators and their relationships
ANNEX 2: Indicators previously collected by ITU not included in this Handbook
ANNEX 3: Terms and abbreviations
ANNEX 4: Classification of information economy activities, ISIC Revision 4
     ICT sector definition
     Content and media sector definition