Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The ICT Development Index (IDI) � Global Analysis
���� Key findings
���� 1.1� Introduction and overview
���� 1.2� The ICT Development Index (IDI)
���� 1.3� Global IDI analysis
���� 1.4� The IDI and the digital divide
���� 1.5� Summary and conclusion
Chapter 2. The ICT Development Index (IDI) � regional and country analysis
���� Key findings
���� 2.1� Introduction
���� 2.2� Regional IDI analysis
���� 2.3� Summary and conclusion
Chapter 3. The role of ICTs in monitoring the SDGs
���� Key findings
���� 3.1� Introduction
���� 3.2� ICTs and SDGs
���� 3.3� The SDG indicator framework
���� 3.4� Summary and conclusion
Chapter 4. ICT prices
���� Key findings
���� 4.1� Introduction
���� 4.2� Mobile-cellular prices
���� 4.3� Fixed-broadband prices
���� 4.4� Mobile-broadband prices
���� 4.5� Monitoring the price of bundled services
Chapter 5. Measuring mobile uptake
���� Key findings
� ���5.1� Introduction
���� 5.2� Moving beyond subscriptions: phone owners and users
���� 5.3� How many people actually own or use a mobile phone?
���� 5.4� Who does not own or use a mobile phone?
���� 5.5� Why do people not own or use mobile phones?
���� 5.6� Conclusions�
Chapter 6. Internet user and activity trends
���� Key findings
���� 6.1� How the Internet has changed � and changed the world
���� 6.2� Socio-economic factors that determine Internet use
���� 6.3� The Internet is not living up to its potential
���� 6.4� Conclusions
List of references
Annex 1. ICT Development Index (IDI) methodology
���� 1. Indicators included in the IDI
���� 2. Imputation of missing data
���� 3. Normalization of data
���� 4. Weighting and aggregation
���� 5. Calculating the IDI
���� 6. Sensitivity analysis
Annex 2. ICT price data methodology
���� Price data collection and sources
���� The mobile-cellular sub-basket
���� The fixed-broadband sub-basket
���� Mobile-broadband prices
Annex 3. Statistical tables of indicators used to compute the IDI
���� Access indicators
���� Use indicators
���� Skills indicators
���� Notes
Annex 4. ICT Prices
���� Fixed-broadband prices 2015
���� Mobile-cellular prices 2015 (on-net)
���� Mobile-cellular prices 2015 (off-net)
���� Mobile-cellular prices 2015 (to fixed telephone; SMS)
���� Notes
List of tables, figures, charts and boxes
���� Table 1.1:�� IDI values and changes in value, 2015-2016
���� Table 1.2:�� IDI rankings and values, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 1.3:�� IDI access sub-index rankings and values, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 1.4:�� IDI use sub-index rankings and values, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 1.5:�� IDI skills sub-index, rankings and values, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 1.6:�� Most dynamic countries in IDI rankings and values, 2015-2016
���� Table 1.7:�� IDI value change, 2015-2016
���� Table 1.8:�� Access sub-index, most dynamic countries, 2015-2016
���� Table 1.9:�� Access sub-index value change, 2015-2016
���� Table 1.10: Use sub-index, most dynamic countries, 2015-2016
���� Table 1.11: Use sub-index value change, 2015-2016
���� Table 1.12: IDI by development status, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 1.13: IDI values for LDCs compared with global values and with all developing countries
���� Table 1.14: IDI values by IDI quartile, 2015 and 2016
���� Table 2.1:�� IDI by region, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 2.2:�� Highest- and lowest-ranking countries by region, IDI 2016
���� Table 2.3:�� IDI rankings for the Africa region, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 2.4:�� Most dynamic countries by IDI ranking and IDI value, Africa, 2015-2016
���� Table 2.5:�� IDI ranking and values, Arab States region, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 2.6:�� Most dynamic countries by IDI ranking and IDI value, Arab States, 2015-2016
���� Table 2.7:�� IDI rankings and values, Asia and Pacific region, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 2.8:�� Most dynamic countries by IDI ranking and IDI value, Asia and Pacific, 2015-2016
���� Table 2.9:�� IDI ranking and values, CIS region, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 2.10: IDI ranking and values, Europe region, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 2.11: Most dynamic countries by IDI ranking and IDI value, Europe region, 2015-2016
���� Table 2.12: IDI ranking and values, Americas region, 2016 and 2015
���� Table 2.13: Most dynamic countries by IDI ranking and IDI value, Americas region, 2015-2016
���� Table 3.1:�� The Sustainable Development Goals
���� Table 3.2:�� ICT indicators and related SDG targets
���� Table 3.3:�� Fixed broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, per region, 2015
���� Table 4.1:�� Mobile-cellular sub-basket, 2015
���� Table 4.2:�� Domestic mobile minutes (left) and SMS (right), selected economies, 2014 and 2013
���� Table 4.3:�� Top five countries with the cheapest mobile-cellular services in each region, PPP$, 2015
���� Table 4.4:�� Fixed-broadband sub-basket, 2015
���� Table 4.5:�� Countries with the highest fixed-broadband prices in USD, 2015��
���� Table 4.6:�� Top three countries with the cheapest mobile-broadband services in each region, PPP$, 2015
���� Table 4.7:�� Average mobile-broadband prices and ranges by region, as a percentage of GNI p.c., 2015
���� Table 4.8:�� Mobile-broadband prices, prepaid handset-based, 500 MB, 2015
���� Table 4.9:�� Mobile-broadband prices, postpaid computer-based, 1 GB, 2015
���� Table 4.10: Most common bundle combinations found in OECD countries
���� Table 5.1:�� Individuals who own a mobile-cellular telephone, broken down by children and adults, 2015
���� Table 5.2:�� Individuals who use a mobile-cellular telephone, by urban/rural, 2015 or latest available year, %
���� Table 6.1:�� Top Internet activities (latest data 2010-2015)
���� Table 6.2:�� Proportion of developed and developing countries in which a particular activity is the top Internet activity or among the top 3 or top 5 activities (latest data 2010-2015)
���� Annex Table 2.1:��� OECD mobile-cellular low-user call distribution (2009 methodology)
���� Figure 1.1:� Three stages in the evolution towards an information society
���� Figure 1.2:� ICT Development Index:������� indicators, reference values and weights
���� Figure 1.3:� Geographical distribution of IDI quartiles, 2016
���� Figure 4.1:� Facebook�s Free Basics around the world, as of June 2016
���� Figure 4.2:� Dynamic discounting systems
���� Figure 4.3:� Dynamic discounting schemes applied in selected countries
���� Figure 4.4:� Individual price structure vs. bundle price structure
���� Figure 5.1:� Main barriers to mobile-phone ownership and usage
���� Figure 6.1:� Gender parity in tertiary education (2015 or latest available)
���� Box 1.1:���� The ITU Expert Groups on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators and on ICT Household Indicators
���� Box 1.2:���� ICT and IDI developments in the Republic of Korea
���� Box 1.3:���� ICT and IDI developments in Iceland
���� Box 1.4:���� ICT and IDI developments in Denmark
���� Box 1.5:���� ICT and IDI developments in St. Kitts and Nevis and other Eastern Caribbean countries
���� Box 1.6:���� ICT and IDI developments in Myanmar
���� Box 2.1:���� ICT and IDI developments in Namibia
���� Box 2.2:���� ICT and IDI developments in C�te d�Ivoire
���� Box 2.3:���� ICT and IDI developments in Jordan
���� Box 2.4:���� ICT and IDI developments in Malaysia
���� Box 2.5:���� ICT and IDI developments in Bhutan
���� Box 2.6:���� ICT and IDI developments in Romania
���� Box 2.7:���� ICT and IDI developments in Albania
���� Box 2.8:���� ICT and IDI developments in Bolivia
���� Box 4.1:���� Zero-rating and price-differentiation schemes
���� Box 4.2:���� Smarter and cheaper:� Global smartphone prices continue to drop but remain high for low-income population groups
���� Box 4.3:���� Mobile broadband takes off in Bhutan
���� Box 5.1:���� Definitions of selected indicators to measure mobile-cellular uptake included in the Core List of ICT Indicators of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development
���� Box 6.1:���� How to bring seniors online
���� Box 6.2:���� Rise of social media
���� Box 6.3:���� Research shows side-effects of too much Internet for children
���� Annex Box 1.1:����� Weights used for indicators and sub-indices included in the IDI
���� Annex Box 1.2:����� Example of how to calculate the IDI value
���� Annex Box 2.1:����� Rules applied in collecting mobile-cellular prices
���� Annex Box 2.2:����� Rules applied in collecting fixed-broadband Internet price data
���� Chart 1.1:�� Global changes in levels of ICT uptake per 100 inhabitants, key ICT indicators, 2005-2016*
���� Chart 1.2:�� ICT penetration levels, 2016*, by geographic region
���� Chart 1.3:�� ICT penetration levels, 2016*, by level of development
���� Chart 1.4:�� Distribution of IDI values between regions
���� Chart 1.5:�� IDI values for top-ranking countries, 2015 and 2016
���� Chart 1.6:�� IDI values for most dynamic countries, 2015 and 2016
���� Chart 1.7:�� IDI and GNI p.c., 2016
���� Chart 1.8:�� IDI values by development status, 2015 and 2016
���� Chart 1.9:�� IDI values for LDCs compared with global values and with all developing countries
���� Chart 2.1:�� IDI by region compared with global average, 2016
���� Chart 2.2:�� Average IDI values for each indicator, world and regions, IDI 2015-2016
���� Chart 2.3:�� IDI values, Africa region, 2016
���� Chart 2.4:�� IDI values, selected countries, Africa, IDI 2015-2016
���� Chart 2.5:�� IDI values, Arab States region, 2016
���� Chart 2.6:�� IDI values, selected countries, Arab States region, 2015-2016
���� Chart Box 2.3:������ Households with Internet, 2006-2015
���� Chart 2.7:�� IDI values, Asia and Pacific region, 2016
���� Chart 2.8:�� IDI values, selected countries, Asia and Pacific region, 2015-2016
���� Chart Box 2.5:������ Bhutan � Active mobile-broadband subscriptions and Internet users (%)
���� Chart 2.9:�� IDI values, CIS region, 2016
���� Chart 2.10: IDI values, selected countries, CIS region, 2015-2016
���� Chart 2.11: IDI values, Europe region, 2016
���� Chart 2.12: IDI values, selected countries, Europe, 2015-2016
���� Chart Box 2.7:������ Growth in data traffic in Albania
���� Chart 2.13: IDI values, Americas region, 2016
���� Chart Box 2.8:������ Households with Internet, households with a computer and Internet users, Bolivia, 2014
���� Chart 2.14: IDI values, selected countries, Americas region, 2015-2016
���� Chart 3.1:�� Percentage of schools with computers, selected African countries, various years
���� Chart 3.2:�� Proportion of individuals with ICT skills, by type of skill, latest available year, 2012-2015
���� Chart 3.3:�� Proportion of individuals with reported ICT skills, Sweden, Morocco and Zimbabwe, 2014/2015
���� Chart 3.4:�� Proportion of individuals with ICT skills, by type of skill, by sex, developed (left) and developing (right) countries, latest available year (2012-2015)
���� Chart 3.5:�� Proportion of individuals owning a mobile phone, by sex, 2014/2015
���� Chart 3.6:�� Mobile network coverage and evolving technologies, 2007-2016
���� Chart 3.7:�� Proportion of individuals using the Internet, by region and by development status, 2016*
���� Chart 3.8:�� Fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, by speed, 2015
���� Chart Box 4.1:������ Percentage of data plans, by type of plan, by country
���� Chart Box 4.2:������ Average selling price of smartphones, 2015
��� �Chart 4.1:�� Mobile-cellular sub-basket, as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top), in PPP$ (middle) and in USD (bottom), 2008-2015
���� Chart 4.2:�� Mobile numbers ported, developed (left) and developing (right) countries, 2014
���� Chart 4.3:�� Mobile-cellular prices as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top), in PPP$ (middle) and in USD (bottom) by region, 2015
���� Chart 4.4:�� Fixed-broadband sub-basket, as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top), in PPP$ (middle) and in USD (bottom), 2008-2015
���� Chart 4.5:�� Most common entry-level fixed-broadband speed, globally and by level of development
���� Chart 4.6:�� Fixed-broadband prices by region, 2015, in USD (left) and in PPP$ (right)
���� Chart 4.7:�� Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., speeds and caps, Africa, 2015
���� Chart 4.8:�� Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., speeds and caps, Americas, 2015
���� Chart 4.9:�� Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., speeds and caps, CIS, 2015
���� Chart 4.10: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., speeds and caps, Europe, 2015
���� Chart 4.11: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., speeds and caps, Arab States, 2015
���� Chart 4.12: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., speeds and caps, Asia and the Pacific, 2015
� ���Chart 4.13: Availability of mobile-broadband services by type of service, by level of development, 2012-2015
���� Chart 4.14: 500 MB handset-based (left) and 1 GB computer-based (right) mobile-broadband prices:� as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top graph), in PPP$ (middle graph) and in USD (bottom graph), 2013-2015
���� Chart 4.15: Percentage of Internet users that used the Internet on the move, selected economies, 2013 and 2014
���� Chart 4.16: Mobile data traffic per subscription per month, selected economies, 2012-2014
���� Chart 4.17: Comparison of postpaid fixed-broadband prices and postpaid computer-based mobile-broadband prices (1 GB/month), in USD, by level of development, 2014 and 2015
���� Chart 4.18: Comparison of prepaid mobile-cellular prices and prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband (500 MB/month) prices, in USD, by level of development, 2014 and 2015
���� Chart Box 4.3:������ Mobile-cellular and mobile-broadband penetration in Bhutan, 2008-2015
���� Chart 4.19: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500 MB per month) as a percentage of GNI p.c. and data volume (cap) included, in the Africa region, 2015 and 2014
���� Chart 4.20: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500 MB per month) as a percentage of GNI p.c. and data volume (cap) included, in the Arab States region, 2015 and 2014
���� Chart 4.21: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500 MB per month) as a percentage of GNI p.c. and data volume (cap) included, in the Asia-Pacific region, 2015 and 2014
���� Chart 4.22: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500 MB per month) as a percentage of GNI p.c. and data volume (cap) included, in the CIS region, 2015 and 2014
���� Chart 4.23: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500 MB per month) as a percentage of GNI p.c. and data volume (cap) included, in Europe, 2015 and 2014
���� Chart 4.24: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500 MB per month) as a percentage of GNI p.c. and data volume (cap) included, in the Americas, 2015 and 2014
���� Chart 4.25: Availability of standalone offers (% of operators) by service, selected OECD economies (left),
���� Chart 4.26: Proportion of households in the EU that subscribe to bundled (two or more) telecommunication services, 2014 (right)
���� Chart 4.27: Voice and TV services included in fixed-broadband offers, OECD
���� Chart 4.28: Price range over and above the price of the cheapest individual fixed-broadband offer, selected OECD countries, January 2016
���� Chart 4.29: Price difference for bundling fixed voice with fixed broadband, selected OECD/EU countries, March 2016
���� Chart 5.1:�� Global mobile-cellular subscriptions and population coverage, 2008-2016*
���� Chart 5.2:�� Mobile-cellular subscriptions and mobile-phone users, selected economies, 2015
���� Chart 5.3:�� Evolution of mobile-cellular penetration, 2010, 2015
���� Chart 5.4:�� Individuals using a mobile-cellular telephone, 2015 or latest available year
���� Chart 5.5:�� Individuals who own a mobile-cellular telephone, 2015 or latest available year
���� Chart 5.6:�� Comparison between individuals who own a mobile-cellular telephone and individuals who use a mobile-cellular telephone, 2015 or latest available year
���� Chart 5.7:�� Individuals who own a mobile-cellular telephone, broken down by age group, 2015 or latest available year
���� Chart 5.8:�� Individuals using a mobile-cellular telephone, broken down by age group, 2015 or latest available year
���� Chart 5.9:�� Individuals owning a mobile-cellular telephone and using a mobile-cellular telephone, broken down by age group, India, 2015
���� Chart 5.10: Individuals who own a mobile-cellular telephone (left) and using a mobile-cellular telephone (right), broken down by gender, 2015 or latest available year
���� Chart 5.11: Individuals who do not own a mobile-cellular telephone, by gender and level of education, 2015 or latest available year
���� Chart 5.12: Individuals who do not use a mobile-cellular telephone, by gender and rural/urban, 2015 or latest available year
���� Chart 6.1:�� Proportion of Internet users accessing the Internet while mobile via a mobile-cellular telephone connected to a mobile phone network (2010 and 2015 unless otherwise specified)
���� Chart 6.2:�� Top three most frequent locations for Internet use in developed (top) and developing (bottom) countries, as a percentage of individuals using the Internet by location; latest data 2012-2015
���� Chart 6.3:�� Time spent on mobile vs. desktop per content category in the United States
���� Chart 6.4:�� Internet and IP traffic
���� Chart 6.5:�� Distribution of Wikipedia articles by language 2003-2016
���� Chart 6.6:�� Proportion of individuals using the Internet by level of development (left) and by region (right)
���� Chart 6.7:�� Proportion of individuals in LDCs using the Internet, 2015
���� Chart 6.8:�� Internet usage by income distribution in OECD countries (2015 unless otherwise specified)
���� Chart 6.9:�� Households with Internet access by household income distribution in Latin America (latest data 2013-2015)
���� Chart 6.10: Internet access by household income distribution in Latin America (selected countries)
���� Chart 6.11: Internet use by level of education in developed (top) and developing (bottom) countries (latest data 2013-2015)
���� Chart 6.12: Internet user gender gap (2013 and 2016)
���� Chart 6.13: Internet usage among individuals over the age of 74 compared with the general population (latest data 2013-2015)
���� Chart 6.14: Trends in Internet usage rates by age group (Japan)
���� Chart 6.15: Proportion of individuals in urban and rural areas using the Internet (latest data 2010-2015)
���� Chart 6.16: Coverage of mobile-cellular networks in relation to world population and the number of Internet users (2007-2016)
���� Chart 6.17: Top barriers to household Internet access at home in developed and developing countries (latest data 2013-2015)
���� Chart 6.18: Trends regarding activities on the Internet (2006-2015; selected activities)
���� Box Chart 6.2.1:��� Monthly active accounts in social media (2009-2016*; in billions)
���� Box Chart 6.2.2:��� Monthly active accounts for instant-messaging services (2012-2016*, in billions)
���� Chart 6.19: Internet use by countries� income levels (selected activities)
���� Chart 6.20: Proportion of Internet users downloading software (left) and seeking health information (right) (latest data 2013-2015).
���� Chart 6.21: Proportion of Internet users participating in social media (latest data 2013-2015)
���� Chart 6.22: Internet use by activity and education level (selected activities; latest data 2013-2015)
���� Chart 6.23: Adolescents� (age 15-24) use of the Internet compared with that of the general population