Connecting every school in Indonesia to the Internet: Policy landscape assessment
Table of contents
Executive summary
1 Introduction
     1.1 Background
     1.2 Content of the policy assessment
2 School connectivity amid digital transformation and the pandemic
     2.1 Indonesia country profile
     2.2 Policy context
     2.3 Concluding remarks
3 Governance
     3.1 Institutional framework
     3.2 Regulatory framework
4 Opportunities, gaps and challenges
     4.1 Overall funding and financing
     4.2 Universal service framework
     4.3 Issues for consideration
          4.3.1 Using WOAN to cut local-loop costs
          4.3.2 Alternative funding models for redistributing national resources for school connectivity
          4.3.3 Derived funding methods for well-developed regions
          4.3.4 Derived funding methods for less-developed regions
     4.4 Recommendations for BAKTI
     4.5 Guidelines for applying USO funding
5 Conclusions