Collaboration with other SDOs and Forums
Throughout 2023 we continued to build synergies with SDOs and Industry Forums such as ISO, IEC, TM Forum, LoRa Alliance, and oneM2M.
Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities (JCA-IoT and SC&C)
The JCA-IoT and SC&C provides a visible contact point for IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities (SC&C) activities. The JCA-IoT and SC&C also helps to coordinate with external bodies working in the field of IoT and SC&C and enable effective two-way communication with these bodies.
In 2023 close to 200 participants attended the two meetings of JCA-IoT and SC&C:
- 27th meeting, 31 January 2023, Geneva, Switzerland – Report
- 28th meeting, 12 September 2023, Arusha, Tanzania – Report
JCA-IoT and SC&C Co-Chairs
Fabio Bigi
Toru Yamada
IEC-ISO-ITU Joint Smart Cities Task Force (J-SCTF)
In 2023, the Joint IEC-ISO-ITU Smart Cities Task Force (J-SCTF) continued to foster collaboration among ITU, ISO, and IEC. The initial tenure of J-SCTF, which was due to end in October 2022, was extended by two years by the governing bodies of each SDO. This extension aims to allow the completion of the ongoing work plan, which involves mapping standards methodology, mapping smart cities standards against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and developing a common reference model.
The Task Force is Co-Chaired by Mr Michael Mulquin (Chair, IEC SyC Smart Cities), Mr Bernard Gindroz (Chair, ISO/TC 268), and Mr Hyoung Jun Kim (Chair, ITU-T SG20).
J-SCTF Co-Chairs
Michael Mulquin
IEC SyC Smart Cities
Bernard Gindroz
ISO/TC 268
Hyoung Jun Kim
Collaboration with TM Forum
Collaboration with the TM Forum in 2023 has resulted in two draft Recommendations transposed from TM Forum technical specifications being consented at the ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting, Arusha, 13-22 September 2023. These are:
- Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4704 (ex Y.TM.DM-API) “IoT Device Management API REST Specification is related to the Technical Specifications on TMF 908, “IoT Agent and Device Management API Specification”.
- Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4703 (ex Y.TM.SM-API) “IoT Service Management API REST Specification” is related to TMF 914, “IoT Service Management API Specification”.
Collaboration with LoRa Alliance
Together with LoRa Alliance, ITU-T Study Group 20 has joined forces to develop vital international standards recognized by the low-power wide-area networks (LPWAN) community for IoT. In 2023, LoRa Alliance contributed to the discussions surrounding the revision of Recommendation ITU-T Y.4480 “Low power protocol for wide area wireless networks”.
Collaboration with oneM2M
In 2023, ITU-T Study Group 20 continued our collaboration with oneM2M on the development and adoption of IoT standards.