Episode #22: Digital water in smart sustainable cities
This episode is a part of ITU’s webinar series on Digital Transformation. The episode was co-organized by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) together with UN-Water and World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
With the 68% of the world population anticipated to live in urban areas by 2050, the urban water demand is expected to increase by 80%. This rise in demand holds the potential to diminish resources and lead to overexploitation of water resources.
Cities embarking on a journey to become smart and sustainable, must therefore aim to pursue circular water strategies, supported by emerging technologies to ensure long-term water security and update the aging urban infrastructures associated with water distribution and management in cities.
This webinar explored the concept of digital water, leveraging technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), digital twin and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for real-time decision-making based on data derived from sensors and smart metering systems to improve the delivery of water services within smart cities in line with Sustainable Development Goal 6, leading up to the World Water Day 2023.
Target Audience
Participation is open to the ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates, ITU Academia, and to any individual from a country that is a member of the ITU and who wishes to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations.
Participation to the webinar is free of charge.
Note: The views and opinions expressed by the presenters during this event are solely those of the individual speakers and do not necessarily represent, reflect, or constitute the official stance, policy, or position of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or its secretariat.
Organized by:
ITU Strategic Goals
Related Information:
Digital Transformation Webinar Series
ITU-T Smart Sustainable Cities
ITU-T Study Group 20: IoT and smart cities and communities
Contact: Cristina Bueti
14:00 – 14:10
Welcome Remarks
- Seizo Onoe, Director, TSB, ITU
- Juerg Luterbacher, Director of Science and Innovation and Chief Scientist, WMO
- Stefan Uhlenbrook, Director Hydrology, Water and Cryosphere, WMO and UN-Water Representative
14:10 – 15:10
Session 1: Digital Water and Water Security
Moderator: Ramy Ahmed Fathy, Vice Chair of ITU-T SG20, ITU
- Sebastian Bosse, FG-AI4A Co-Chair, Head of Interactive & Cognitive Systems Group, Fraunhofer HHI
- Remko Uijlenhoet, Professor, Water Resources Section, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences – Department of Water Management, TU Delft [Presentation]
- Monica Garcia Quesada, Project Officer, IWRA [Presentation]
Questions & Answers
15:10 – 15:15
Concluding Remarks
- Cristina Bueti, Counsellor, ITU