Dr. Constantinos Marios Angelopoulos is Associate Professor in Computing at Bournemouth University (UK). His interests are in the area of computer networks with focus on emerging paradigms such as Internet of Things, Crowdsensing and Sensor Networks. At BU, he has established and leads the BU IoT Lab and is a founding member of the Future & Complex Networks (FlexNet) Research Group. He is also the founding Programme Leader of three master courses in the area of Internet of Things. Since 2018, Marios serves at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) as Associate Rapporteur of Question 5 “Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitions” in Study Group 20: Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities and Communities (SC&C) and as the Liaison co-Rapporteur of SG20 to the Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV). His research on Crowdsourced Systems has led to the ITU-T Recommendation Y.4205 “Requirements and Functional Architecture of IoT-related Crowdsourced Systems”. He has co-authored more than 50 academic publications and has served in the committees of several highly-esteemed international Journals and Conferences in his area of expertise (such as IEEE ToN, Elsevier’s ComNet, ComCom, Ad-Hoc Nets, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE DCOSS, IEEE ICC, ACM MSWiM, etc). He has also been involved in several R&D projects at European and National level.
Bournemouth University
Associate Professor