Mr. Ali Abbassense is the CTO of EADN, a publicly owned digitalization service company, leading large-scale projects to modernize Algerian governmental entities and administrations. He is Associate Rapporteur of Q2 and Vice-Chair of African & Arab Regional Groups of ITU-T Study Group 20, and Liaison Rapp. to the JCA on IMT2020 (5G). He participate also in the work of the Arab Standardization Team, and has formerly participated in the work of ITU-T SG13. He has been a Senior Researcher and Information System expert, serving as Director of Telecom Division at Center for Development of Advanced Technologies (CDTA), and worked also as CIO of CDTA. Ali took the lead of various R&D groups and managed many projetcs in the field of information systems, helthcare informatics and telemedecine. He worked on B2B collaboration in the context of Web and semantic technologies, and on inter-organizational workflow integration. Formerly, Ali worked also on Complex Systems and Emergent approaches for solving combinatory problems in image processing.
EADN, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Algeria
Chief Technology Officer