Erik Andersen was employed by IBM for 27 years and was in the early 1980th appointed by IBM to be the IBM representative in Danish Standards (OSI). Became chair of the Danish committee for Open Systems Interconnection standardization and participated in numerous international meetings within ISO/IEC and was quite active. After leaving IBM, continued to work for international standardization in European standardization arena. Was during four study periods rapporteur for the question, currently Question 11, that is responsible for the ITU.T X.500 series, which is collaborative work with ISO/IEC, which has published the series as ISO/IEC 9594-all parts. Has for 12 years or more been the project editor for the ITU-T X.500 series, also on the ISO/IEC side. Rec. ITU-T X.509, alias ISO/IEC 9594-8, is part of ITU-T X.500 series. X.509 being the framework for public-key infrastructure is an extremely important specification.
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