Webinar – Greening the Future: Navigating Digital Transformation for Land Restoration
On World Environment Day, this webinar explored how digital innovations are transforming efforts to combat land degradation, with a specific focus on desertification and drought resilience. From satellite imaging to blockchain solutions, information and communication technologies (ICTs) are revolutionizing land restoration initiatives. This webinar discovered how ICTs and emerging technologies such as AI, IoT, machine learning are reshaping environmental stewardship, empowering us to preserve and revive our invaluable landscapes.
This webinar offered a unique opportunity to delve into the intersection of digital transformation and land restoration, providing insights that are crucial for creating a more sustainable and resilient future. We explored the possibilities, challenges, and strategies in harnessing the power of ICTs to restore landscapes, combat desertification, implement drought resilience and accelerate digital transformation.
Target Audience
Participation is open to the ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates, ITU Academia, and to any individual from a country that is a member of the ITU and who wishes to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations. Participation is free of charge.
Note: By registering for this event, you agree for ITU (the event organizer and data controller) to process your personal data for the organization and management of the event in accordance with the ITU Data Protection and Privacy Policy. The personal data you submit as part of the registration and your participation in the event will be used by ITU for the organization, management, and follow-up of the event, including managing attendance and for internal ITU administrative requirements. The event is taking place via Zoom, and it will be recorded. You can read here Zoom’s privacy notice on how it processes your personal data. The event video recording will be made publicly available on ITU’s event webpage to raise awareness and promote standardization aiming at knowledge-transfer and bridging the standardization gap. For any questions or requests concerning your personal data, including your inclusion in video, you can contact ITU at digitaltransformation@itu.int.
Organized by:
ITU Strategic Goals
Related Information:
Digital Transformation Dialogues
ITU-T Smart Sustainable Cities
ITU-T Study Group 20: IoT and smart cities and communities
Contact: Cristina Bueti
14:00 – 14:10
Opening Remarks
- Seizo Onoe, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
14:10 – 14:55
Session 1: Greening the Future: Navigating Digital Transformation for Land Restoration
Moderator: Victoria Papp, Senior Director, Strategy and Innovation, BOMA Canada
- Jean Manuel Canet, Senior Manager, Climate and Biodiversity, Orange Group [Presentation]
- Clara Wegenast, Expert on Digital Transformation, Office of the Chief Digital Officer, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) [Presentation]
- Arthur Hrast Essenfelder, Project Officer, European Commission [Presentation]
Questions & Answers
14:55 – 15:00
Closing Remarks
- Dominique Würges, Chair, ITU-T Study Group 5