Dr Kenneth Holmlund started his tenure as the Head of the Space Systems and Utlization Division at WMO (World Meteorological Organization) in October 2020. His key duty is to lead all WMO Space Programme activities, from definition of user requirements for space-based observations to provision of a vision for the space-based observing system. The duties also include outreach and capacity building, in particular coordination of international training events for the utilization of satellite data. Furthermore, the duties cover all aspects of the WMO Space Weather activities and coordination of WMO frequency management issues. Dr Holmlund started his career at the Finnish Meteorological Institute before joining the European Space Operations Centre in 1989 and subsequently the European Organization for the Exploitation of Satellite Data (EUMETSAT) in 1995. At EUMETSAT Dr Holmlund moved into a leading role in 2002 taking charge of operational satellite data algorithm and processing development activities and subsequently the definition of user requirements and the product generation specification for all instruments on the EUMETSAT satellites as well as the scientific commissioning of new satellites. In 2015 Dr Holmlund was appointed Chief Scientist, supporting the EUMETSAT Management Board on scientific matters with strategic implications, particularly in preparation for new missions like carbon monitoring, atmospheric wind lidar and constellations of small microwave satellites. Dr Holmlund has served as a member on several international committees. Dr Holmlund is married and has three sons and a grandson.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Head of Space Systems and Utilization