No. |
Title |
Download |
001 |
Compilation of proposals |
001 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to WD 1:
Compilation of proposals |
002 |
Proposed changes to Resolution 20 |
002 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to Proposed changes to Resolution 20 |
002 (Rev.2) |
Revision 2 to Proposed changes to Resolution 20 |
003 |
Proposed changes to Resolution 29 |
004 |
Proposed changes to Resolution 46 |
004 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to WD 4:
Proposed changes to Resolution 46 |
005 |
Proposed changes to Resolution 47 |
005 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Proposed changes to Resolution 47 |
006 |
Proposed changes to Resolution 48 |
006 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Proposed changes to Resolution 48 |
007 |
Proposed changes to Resolution 49 |
007 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Proposed changes to Resolution 49 |
008 |
Proposed changes to Resolution 50 |
008 (rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Proposed changes to Resolution 50 |
009 |
Proposed changes to Resolution 51 |
010 |
Proposed changes to Resolution 52 |
010 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to WD 10:
Proposed changes to Resolution 52 |
010 (Rev.2) |
Revision 2 to WD 10:
Proposed changes to Resolution 52 |
010 (Rev.3) |
Revision 3 to WD 10:
Proposed changes to Resolution 52 |
011 |
Compilation of ENUM proposals |
012 |
Report of Ad Hoc on network externalities |
013 |
Report of the Ad Hoc Group on numbering |
014 |
Report of Ad Hoc on WSIS and Internet |
015 |
Report on informal consultations |
015 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Report on informal consultations |
016 |
Draft New Resolution AA |
017 |
Draft New Resolution [R] |
017 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to Draft New Resolution [R] |
018 |
Draft New Resolution [O] |
018 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Draft New Resolution [O] |
018 Add. 1 |
Addendum 1 to
Draft New Resolution [O] |
018 Add. 2 |
Addendum 2 to
Draft New Resolution [O] |
019 |
Draft New Resolution [U] |
019 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Draft New Resolution [U] |
020 |
Draft New Resolution [S] |
020 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Draft New Resolution [S] |
021 |
Draft New Resolution [DD] |
022 |
Draft New Resolution [CC] |
023 |
ITU-T Recommendation D.50 |
024 |
Draft New Resolution [WSIS] |
024 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Draft New Resolution [WSIS] |
024 (Rev.2) |
Revision 2 to
Draft New Resolution [WSIS] |
025 |
Draft New Resolution [OO] |
026 |
Draft New Resolution [KK] |
026 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Draft New Resolution [KK] |
026 (Rev.2) |
Revision 2 to
Draft New Resolution [KK] |
027 |
Update on activities and plans related to the ITRs |
028 |
Draft New Resolution [WSIS MERGED] |
028 (Rev.1) |
Revision 1 to
Draft New Resolution [WSIS MERGED] |
028 (Rev.2) |
Revision 2 to
Draft New Resolution [WSIS MERGED] |