Fourth Meeting - Monday, 27 October 2008, 0930 - 1230 |
(Room: Assembly I & II) |
Agenda item |
Related documents |
1 |
Chairman’s opening remarks |
2 |
Adoption of Agenda |
3 |
Allocation of documents |
4 |
Standardization and developing countries |
4.1 |
Resolution 17 |
WD 4 |
4.2 |
Resolution 44 |
WD 2 Rev.1 |
4.3 |
Creation of a Flagship Group based in Mexico |
56 Rev.1 pp 79-80 |
5 |
Regional preparations for WTSA |
5.1 |
Resolution 43 |
WD 2 Rev.1 |
6 |
Regional groups |
6.1 |
Resolution 26 |
WD 2 Rev.1 |
6.2 |
Resolution 54 |
WD 2 Rev.1 |
6.3 |
Proposed merger of Resolutions 26 and 54 |
71 Add.13 |
6.4 |
Creation of a SG12 Regional Group for the Americas on QoS |
56 Rev.1 pp 70-72 |
7 |
ITU-Mark and type approval of equipment (continued) |
7.1 |
Resolution K |
71 Add.4 |
7.2 |
Resolution HH |
47 Add.37 |
7.3 |
Resolution LL |
114 |
7.4 |
Results of ITU-Mark “ad hoc” group |
8 |
Organizational arrangements |
8.1 |
Resolution C |
79 |
8.2 |
Resolution N |
71 Add.2 |
9 |
Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTS) |
9.1 |
Resolution L |
71 Add.6 |
10 |
Health effects of electro-magnetic radiation |
10.1 |
Resolution M |
71 Add.1 |
11 |
World ICT Implementation Committee |
76 |
12 |
Report to Plenary |