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 Forum on Implementation of WTSA-08 Decisions and Workshop on Bridging the Standardization Gap
 Nadi, Fiji, 16 - 17 September 2009 Contact: 
Ronald Box, (Manager, International, Australian Communications & Media Authority)

Ron returned to the Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) in March 2008 following a three year secondment to the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) Secretariat as its Standardization Officer. He is currently the ACMA's Manager, International.

Ron has led delegations and been an office bearer and participant in many International Telecommunication Union (ITU) & APT activities; including the World Telecommunications Standardisation Assembly (WTSA) in 2004 and 2008, the 2002 and 2006 Plenipotentiary Conference (PP), APT Standardisation Program, APT Workshops, and APT preparations for WTSA's and PP’s.

He has worked in the telecommunications, international standards, and electrotechnology industries. Ron has tertiary qualifications in electrical engineering, telecommunications regulation, and business administration and policy, and is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia.
Dr. Byoung Moon Chin, (Vice-President, Telecom Technology Association (TTA))

Byoung-Moon Chin received his B. S. Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1976 and M. S. Degree in Computer Engineering in 1983 each from Seoul National University and Ph. D. degree in Computer Science in 1996 from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). He served as a director in several research divisions of ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) from April 1980 until March 2001.

Since April 2001, he has been a managing director in Standardization Department of TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association). He has been served as a Q.23 Rapporteur of ITU-T SG 7 from 1996 until 2000 and a vice chair of ITU-T SG 17.from 2001-until 2008. For the regional standardization, he was served as a chairperson of MMCG (Multi-Media Coordination Group) in ASTAP (APT Standardization Program) forum from 1998 until mid of 2000. Currently, he is involved in the activity of 3GPPs as a HoD of TTA.
Stuart Davies, (Telecommunication Expert (APT))

Stuart has over 44 years experience working in the telecommunications and ICT sectors. He shifted to the Cook Islands in 1972 as a telecommunications engineer and later became the Director General of the Cook Islands Post Office. When Telecom Cook Islands Ltd. was formed in 1991, Stuart was a founding Director, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director. Stuart has represented the Cook Islands in many international meetings and continued these roles until he resigned to join the APT in 1898.
Dr. Laura DeNardis, (Executive Director, Yale Information Society Project, Lecturer in Law, Yale Law School)

Dr. Laura DeNardis is the Executive Director of the Yale Information Society Project and a Lecturer in Law and Research Scholar at Yale Law School. She is the author of Protocol Politics: The Globalization of Internet Governance (The MIT Press: 2009), Information Technology in Theory (Thompson: 2007 with Pelin Aksoy), and numerous book chapters and articles. Dr. DeNardis is a globally recognized expert in technical standardization issues and has lectured and written extensively on standards-setting practices, Internet governance, and information and communication protocols. She received a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Studies (STS) from Virginia Tech, a Master of Engineering degree from Cornell University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Engineering Science from Dartmouth College.
Dr. Dinh Van Dzung, (Deputy Director, Research Institute of Post and Telecommunications, Vietnam)

Dinh Van Dzung received a B.E. in electrical engineering from the Odessa Institute of Telecommunications, the former Soviet Union in 1989, an M.E. in Telecommunications from the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia in 1996, and a Ph.D. from Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam in 2003. During 2006-2007, Dr. Dzung led a post-doctoral research project on NGN optimization under the Fulbright scholar program at CATT, New York University, USA.

Dr. Dzung has 20 years of R&D experience in Telecommunications sector. Currently, he is Deputy Director of Vietnam Research Institute of Post and Telecoms (RIPT). He also serves as vice-chairman of SG-2/ITU-D and vice-rapporteur for Question 19-1/2 on migration solutions to NGN. He has published 28 conference and journal papers. His main research areas are networks optimization, network performance analysis, and mobility management.
Dr. Shin-Won Kang, (Professor, Sunchon National University)

Shin-Won Kang received the BA degree in economics from Kyung-Hee University in 1986, the MA degree in economics from University of Santo Tomas in 1991, and the PhD degree in economics from Colorado School of Mines in 1996. He started his career as a senior researcher at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) in July 1996. He joined the faculty of Sunchon National University in March 2008. His main research interest covers telecommunications service regulation policy, standardization, economic analysis, and international trade policy in the IT sector.
Mr Priyantha Kariyapperuma, Director General of Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka

Priyantha Kariyapperuma is the Director General and Chief Executive Officer of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka and Co-ordinating Director to H.E the President of Sri Lanka.

He was a consultant to the Information Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka and was instrumental in implementing the then Prime Minister Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa’s vision of providing rural connectivity islandwide to the masses by using the “Nena Sala” (knowledge centre /e-library) concept.

He also served as Chairman - People’s Merchant Bank, Ceylon Fisheries Corporation and Ceylon Port Services Limited, Commissioner - Presidential Commission of Co-operatives, Director - Employees’ Trust Fund Board, People’s Bank, Public Enterprises Reform Commission (PERC) and Southern Development Authority of Sri Lanka. He was also a Media Adviser and a Consultant to the Prime Minister, Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa on Economic Affairs.

Priyantha Kariyapperuma was the Founder Chairman of the Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs (COYLE).

He was elected senior Vice Chairman of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO) at its 48th council meeting in 2008.
Joseph Kim, (Director, Engineering Standards PANGTEL (PNG)) Joseph Kim has been with the Papua New Guinea Telecommunication Technical Authority (PANGTEL) for many years performing various senior manager roles. He holds a Masters in Engineering Science from Queensland University of Technology and is currently working as the Director for Engineering and Standards with PANGTEL.

He has represented his country on many international meetings, seminars, forums. He attended the WRC 07 as a delegate and also WTSA 08 as head of delegation and he has also participated in the APT study group activities both as a rapporteur and as vice chairman for study group 1 on varying topics. At his work place he is in charge of the spectrum management activities and telecommunication technical standards and codes of practice including number administration among others.

He is a member of the Institution of Engineers, Papua New Guinea and is married with two children. Joseph enjoys running for fun, reading and real estate as a hobby. ITU-T forum on implementation of WTSA-08 decisions and workshop on bridging the standardization gap (NADI, FIJI, 16-17 September 2009) is an excellent opportunity to make a presentation.
Mr. Arthur Levin, Head, Policy Division, ITU-TSB

Mr. Arthur Levin was the lead ITU staff member in the organization of the two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society and has served as a senior policy adviser and legal counselor with the Union. He organized and was Executive Secretary of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conferences in 2002 and 2006.

He also holds an appointment as an adjunct professor of law at the Franklin Pierce Law Center in the United States, where he teaches a course on International Telecommunications Law and the Internet..

He previously served as Legal Adviser of the OECD in Paris and as a senior attorney with regulatory agencies in the United States and with private law firms in Washington, D.C. He has published numerous articles and books on regulatory topics.

He has a J.D. with honors from George Washington Law Center and a B.S. with honors from Cornell University.
Jongbong Park, (Director, Standards Coordination Team, Telecom Technology Association (TTA))

 Mr. Jongbong PARK received his master degree in business administration in ICT industry in 1999 at Information Communication University in the Republic of Korea, and joined the R&D Institution, Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI), to work on the coordination of standardization activities.

Mr. Park joined the TTA in 2001 as a senior researcher providing consultation to Korean administration to set up national position at international organizations, such as ITU and APT. He has contributed to various APT preparatory meetings for ITU Plenipotentiary Conference and World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly as a CG chair.

As a director at TTA, he is in charge of coordinating various standardization activities, such as TTA standardization committees, industry forums and human resource development. He has been providing consultation to overseas governments to enrich their standardization capability. In addition, he undertakes joint work programme with ITU-T for bridging the standardization gap that was funded by the Korean administration.
Patrick Masambu, (Chairman, Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation)

Mr. Patrick Masambu is the Chief Executive of Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), the regulatory agency for communications in Uganda. He is the pioneer Chief Executive of UCC and has been in this role for slightly more than 9 years. Prior to his present employment, Mr. Masambu served as Managing Director of Uganda Telecom for the period of two years that commenced with the company incorporation following telecommunications sector reform in 1998 and included the critical preparatory phase for privatization of the company that took place in mid 2000. His other national and international responsibilities include: Chairman of Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation, based in London, Member of the Presidential Investor’s Roundtable on ICT, Member of Makerere University Business School Council and Member of the International Advisory Committee of University of Florida’s Public Utility Research Centre. His immediate past responsibilities included serving as ITU’s Standards Study Group 19, that was charged with mobility, for a period of 8 years. Mr. Masambu holds B.Sc(Eng)(Hons) and MBA Degrees as well as a Postgraduate Diploma in Telecom Systems Management.
Ms Fuatai Purcell, (Project Coordinator for the Pacific, ITU-EC Project – Harmonized Policies for the ICT in ACP Countries)

Mrs. Purcell received her Masters degree in Information Systems from the Victoria University of Wellington in NZ. She is Samoan, married with 4 children and 4 grandchildren, and she holds her family’s Matai or Chief Title, Gisa.

In the last 6 years, she worked as the Assistant CEO for the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in Samoa. Prior to that, she worked in New Zealand as an information technology and finance consultant both in the private and public sectors.

At the national level, she was instrumental in developing Samoa’s National ICT strategy that made Samoa the first Pacific Island country to have such an important document. She also led the implementation of the ITU project of implementing 10 multipurpose community telecommunication centers in Samoa with in budget and 6 months ahead of the implementation time frame. She was also the national Project Manager for the UNDP project on ICT4D in Samoa.

Mrs. Purcell represented Samoa in a lot of regional and international ICT/telecommunication development conferences. From 2002, she represented Samoa at the regional and international preparatory meetings for the World Summit of the Information Society. At these preparatory meetings and the 2003, 2005 summits, she advocated for the ICT/telecommunication needs that are unique to small island developing states (SIDS).

The evidence of her passion about highlighting and developing means to resolve the ICT/telecommunication issues of the small islands states resulted in her drafting paragraph 16 of the WSIS Declaration, proposing to include SIDS in programme 6 for LDCs, which was approved at WTDC06 appointed the Rapporteur or Chairperson of the Study Question on the unique needs of small islands and recently appointed the Project Coordinator for the ITU-EC regional project.
Siva Ramamoorthy, Group Director, Sales and Marketing, Tejas Networks

In this role at Tejas Networks – a Red Herring Global Top 100 privately held Technology Company, his responsibilities including driving the company’s business strategy and Operations for Emerging markets and Marketing. Prior to Tejas Networks, Siva was Director of Sales and marketing at Intel where he led the Telecommunications and Consumer electronics business groups for South Asia. During his tenure at Intel, he is credited with several wins on Telecom Value added services with several South Asian telco’s, Government to citizen e Governance initiatives with several State Governments in India and enabling several Indian ICT startups to innovate and create products for emerging markets with pull-up effect and trickle up economics into developed countries. A global professional with Work experience in several countries, Siva held a series of senior worldwide positions during a 5 year stint at Nortel Networks with roles including setting up the wireless business unit in India, Product Management, Mergers and Acquisitions and Alliance Management. A keen Web 2.0 professional, he was a technology evangelist at Netscape communications during the Dot Com revolution.

Siva holds a MS in Computer Science from the University of Kentucky, USA and a MBA from the Kellogg school of Management, Northwestern University, USA.

He has been past speaker at several Global ICT events including: Common Wealth Technology organization (CTO)’s ‘Connecting Rural Communities 2009’ New Delhi June 2009, ITU/CTO’s Forum on ‘Next Generation Networks Standardization’, Sri Lanka, Broadband World Forum 2008 at Brussels, South Asia Broadband Congress, Sri Lanka 2007. He has been profiled by the Indian Business press including Times of India and Economic Times with articles on Innovation, Green ICT, and Standardization.

He recently taught a class on “Marketing for Technology based organizations” at the SP Jain School of Management, Mumbai.
Paolo Rosa, Head of Workshops and Promotion Division, (ITU/TSB)

Mr Rosa received his degree in physics in 1974 in Rome, Italy, and joined the R&D branch of the Italian Ministry of Communication working on optical fibers transmission networks, in national and international standards and leading quality control inspection teams for international telecommunication projects.

He was head of national delegations for standardization and research studies performed in IEC, ITU, ETSI, CECC, COST and represented the Italian Ministry of Communications in various international institutions including the European Commission task force for the G7 pilot projects on the Information Society.

Paolo was appointed as expert and senior advisor by the Italian Foreign Office, the UNDP and ITU for telecommunication projects in various developing countries worldwide.

In 1997 he joined the ITU-T secretariat in Geneva as Counselor responsible for Study Groups 6 (Outside plant), and SG 15 (Optical and other transport networks) and representing ITU in various events. Since November 2004 he is the Head of the Workshops and Promotion Division of the ITU Standardization Sector, organizing events and promoting new ITU-T activities for resolutions concerning developing countries, conformance and interoperability, universities.

He is author of several papers published in international technical magazines and speaker and lecturer in universities, international conferences, seminars and workshops.
Saneh Saiwong, (Acting Director, Telecommunication Standard Division, Office of the National Telecommunications Commission, Thailand)

Saneh Saiwong is currently Acting Director of Telecommunication Standard Division at the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), responsible for overall supervision and implementation of strategic standardization activities for telecommunication sector in Thailand. He carries out and manages the standard-development process, telecommunication equipment conformity assessment program, and also administers telecommunication testing laboratory (TTL) licensing scheme.

He has been regular participants in ITU conferences and meetings, notably WTSA-08, and ITU-T Study Groups. Apart from ITU, He is also active in regional standardization forums such as ASEAN, APEC and APT.

Prior to joining NTC, Saneh worked with a private company engaging in satellite communications, and later joined the public sector for which his roles and responsibilities encompassed a wide range of spectrum management, monitoring, licensing, policy and technical analysis.

He received his Master Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA in 1996 and Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Thailand in 1993.


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