ITU-T and the IEEE will hold a joint workshop on The Future of Ethernet Transport, in Geneva, 28 May 2010. The workshop is the fifth in partnership with IEEE and follows two Kaleidoscope events and two workshops on “Carrier-class Ethernet” and “Next Generation Optical Access”.
Ethernet is now widely used as one of the most promising transport technologies. This event will review the work areas within ITU-T and IEEE 802.1/802.3 Working Groups on the development of Ethernet and related transport standards. The relevant standards groups are ITU-T Study Group 15 (Questions 6, 9, 11 and 13) on optical transport systems including protection switching and synchronization, and IEEE P802.1Qbf Task Force on protection switching, P802.1AS and P802.3bf Task Forces on Ethernet synchronization, and P802.3ba and P802.3bg (pending IEEE SASB approval) Task Forces on 40/100 Gb/s Ethernet. This workshop will focus on the opportunities for further collaboration in the development of Ethernet transport standards.
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