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Home : ITU-T Home : Workshops and Seminars : Standardization : Phnom Penh, Cambodia
 ITU Seminar on Standardization (Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 11-13 February 2004)
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Day 1, 11 February 2004
09:00 - 09:10 Welcome remarks
Mr. So Khun, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of Cambodia [ Speech ]
09:10 - 09:20 Opening remarks
MPTC organizer
09:20 - 09:30 Opening remarks
Mr. H. Zhao, Director of TSB
Coffee break 09:30 –10:00
10:00 - 11:00 ITU-T Standardization and it's new environment
Mr. H. Zhao, Director of TSB [ Presentation]
11:00 - 12:00 Q&A
Lunch 12:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00 ITU activities related to IP-based networks
Mr. R. Hill and Mr. G. Jones, ITU/TSB [ Presentation]
Coffee break 15:00 - 15:20
15:30 - 16:30 Internet addressing
Mr. P. Wilson, APNIC [ Presentation]
16:30 - 17:00 Numbering, naming, addressing and operational issues
Mr. R. Hill, ITU/TSB [ Presentation]

Day 2, 12 February 2004
09:00 - 10:00 Global trends in telecommunication development and new challenges for developing countries
Mr. S. Tanaka, ITU/TSB [ Presentation]
Coffee break 10:00 - 10:20
10:20 - 11:30 Assisting countries in telecommunication development
Mr. E. Behdad, ITU/BDT [ Presentation]
11:30 - 12:00 Q&A
Lunch 12:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00 Multimedia related standardization
Mr. G. Jones, ITU/TSB [ Presentation]
Coffee break 15:00 - 15:20
15:20 - 17:00 Sum up and Q&A

Day 3, 13 February 2004
09:00 - 10:00 Tariff and policy related studies in ITU-T
Mr. S. Tanaka, ITU/TSB [ Presentation]
Coffee break 10:00 - 10:20
10:20 - 11:20 QoS in the ITU-T
Mr. G. Jones, ITU/TSB [ Presentation]
11:20 - 12:00 Wrap up and Q&A
Lunch 12:00 - 14:00
Afternoon: Sightseeing


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