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 ITU-T workshop on "From Speech to Audio: bandwidth extension, binaural perception" 
 Lannion, France, 10 – 12 September 2008 Contact: 

Advance Programme

Day 1, 10 September 2008
14:00 – 15:30 Opening Session & keynote speakers

Workshop Chair: Catherine Quinquis (France Telecom, France)  [ BIO ]

Opening: Catherine Hammond (Director, Standardization R&D, France Telecom)  [ PRESENTATION ]

Keynote Speakers:

  • Prof Jens Blauert, Professor Emeritus (University of Bochum, Germany); Models of the Binaural Hearing System: The Precedence Effect
  • Sabine Meunier (CNRS LMA, Marseille, France): Loudness: Current Knowledge and Questions

Master of Ceremonies: Jean-Yves Monfort (France Telecom, France) [ BIO ]

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30 Round Table with SDOs

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Day 2, 11 September 2008
09:00 – 10:30 SESSION 1: Loudness

Coordinator: Gerald Lecucq (Alcatel-Lucent, France) [ BIO ]

Objectives: The goal of this session is to initiate significant technical work on a common loudness rating algorithm for all bandwidths from narrowband to full band audio signals.

The multimedia revolution has led to an increase in the required audio signal bandwidth for next-generation networks. In addition to existing narrowband and wideband codecs, development of full band is taking place
In order to ensure coherency for the transmission plan of end-to-end multi-bandwidth audio applications through the network for both narrowband / wideband and full band, it is highly desirable to develop an algorithm aiming to calculate the loudness ratings for all bandwidths.

As concrete example: at the last ITU-T/SG12 meeting in October 2007, it was pointed out that there is confusion in the wideband loudness ratings calculation. Today, the last revision of P.79 gives the preferred methods for calculating loudness ratings in two different ways: the first one applicable to narrowband and dual-mode (narrowband – wideband); the second one applicable to full wideband. These two methods lead to different values for LR calculation. This situation is not satisfactory because it leads to a mismatch in transmission for both narrowband / wideband and full band.

  • Sridhar Kalluri (Starkey Hearing Research Center, USA): High frequencies for the hearing impaired
  • Arnault Nagle (France Telecom, France): Quality impact of diotic versus monaural listening on processed speech listening
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30

SESSION 2: Modelling: binaural, spatialisation

Coordinator: Thomas Sporer (Fraunhofer, Germany) [ BIO ]

Objectives: Recent developments in terminals and content have led to a change in the listening condition from monaural to binaural and therefore binaural perception has to be taken into account (headphones or free-field listening with loudspeaker system). For subjective assessment of codecs and audio/multimedia, the new dimension of sound spatialisation should also be added to the quality rating, which implies new methodologies and new criteria. Defects induced by codecs when applied to 3D audio content are another issue of concern.


  • Gunilla Berndtsson (Ericsson Research, Sweden): Creation of test material that simulates the stereo capture of a teleconference site
  • Peter Hughes (BT Group, UK): Spatial audio conferencing
  • Mansoor Hyder (University of T�bingen, Germany): 3D Telephony
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 15:30 SESSION 3: Artificial Head, Ear and Mouth

Coordinator: Luc Madec (B&K, Denmark) [ BIO ]

Objectives: With the evolution of multimedia applications and telephony towards an increasing high frequency range, artificial head, ears and mouth available on the market today naturally need to follow the same trend.
The purpose of this session is to gather information from all the players involved in the telecommunication and audio industry, and related fields, which would form the basis of scientific work aiming to address all the aspects of this topic, among which acoustic impedance of human ears is of primary importance.

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30 SESSION 4: Terminals characteristics and teleconferencing

Coordinator: Hans Gierlich (HEAD acoustics GmbH, Germany) [ BIO ]

Objectives: Standards for speech and multimedia terminals. This session will address the consequences on requirements for future terminals implementing superwideband or fullband and 3D, in particular in the context of teleconferences. Moreover, the main parameters to be defined in order to guarantee relevant quality for these terminals as well as to ensure the quality for the local user(s) and the far end user(s) will be considered.

In addition, new technologies to be implemented in the next three years in those terminals will also be addressed.

  • Pascal Huart (Cisco, France), Ruchir Dav� (Cisco, San Jose, CA): End-point characteristics and user perception
    [ BIO: Huart | BIO: Dav� | ABSTRACT | PRESENTATION ]
  • Christian Hoene (University of T�bingen, Germany): An open-source softphone for musicians playing over IP
  • Hans Gierlich (HEAD acoustics GmbH, Germany): Echo perception in wideband telecommunication scenarios: Comparison to E-Model's narrowband echo findings
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Day 3, 12 September 2008
09:00 – 10:30 SESSION 5: Test methodologies: extensions, new parameters, test signals, calibration

Coordinator: Slawek Zielinski (University of Surrey, UK) [ BIO ]

Objectives: Foreseen applications for super wideband and full band conversational codecs are not only speech based services but also mixed contents or even music based services. Mixed content represents advertisement, ring back tones, music-on-hold and even film trailers. Adaptation of ACR and DCR methodologies to accommodate such signals was felt difficult.
This session will address how quality assessment methodologies for stereo and 3D signals and calibration signals for the sound reproduction system used for testing have to be adapted to wider bandwidths. Moreover, questions such as what is nominal level for stereo input signals, how to calibrate stereo signals have to be solved. How to define sound pressure level for stereo output signals will also be considered.

  • Alexander Raake (Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany): Conversational speech quality of spatialized audio conferences
  • Thierry Etam� (France Telecom, France): Charaterization of current codecs degradations for subjective assessment of speech quality
  • Yu Jiao (University of Surrey, UK): Towards consistent assessment of audio quality of systems with different available bandwidth
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Wrap-up session and conclusions

Coordinator: Jean-Yves Monfort (France Telecom, France) [ BIO ]

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