During this workshop, stakeholders will share views and ideas that can shape the future of telecommunications quality of services in a safe environment.
The first day of the workshop is intended to provide increased awareness to African Regulators, Operators and users of telecommunications services on the work of ITU in relation to quality of services issues. In particular, the workshop will provide an opportunity for sharing of views and experiences on quality of service provision, regulations, experiences and challenges amongst the participants which will be instrumental in shaping up the future quality of service provision and regulations for the benefit of users and the industry.
Following the liberalization of telecommunication in many African countries, there has been a lot of ongoing public concern of the effects on health of exposure to EMF radiation from telecom infrastructure due to the huge deployment of wireless technology. There is also concern by the public regarding degradation of environment and aesthetics by this infrastructure. The second day of this workshop – in line with WTSA Resolution 72 - intends to give useful information on EMF health effects, on relevant ITU recommendations and other SDO’s and how to assess exposure to EMF due to RF related telecommunication installations.
The main objectives of the Workshops will be to:
Create awareness of ITU-T activities on QoS/QoE;
Create awareness of EMF issue related to health and ITU-T work and relevant recommendations;
Increase participation and involvement of Africa groups in ITU-T activities and its Study Groups;
Increase participation in and development of ITU-T Recommendations;
Improve collaboration and participation among telecommunication regulators, operators and users on quality of service/quality of experience assurance and human exposure to EMF;
Provide some useful and practical information to assess human exposure to EMF;
Share information and knowledge on quality of services and EMF issues;
Create awareness of SG5 work, increase participation and call for contribution.
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