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Philosophy and Applicability of Formal Languages - Background

At a restaurant on the Red Square, in front of Kremlin, this started out as a proposal of a clean and pure workshop on philosophy of languages - irrespective of and decoupled from ITU. As we started to consider who could attend, the proposal became more and more cluttered and polluted with the application of ITU languages and how this workshop could support strategy work on languages and software issues in ITU. Hence, the workshop has become a mixture of both, with half a day devoted to each of these topics.

We have already an interesting programme, but one proposed speaker (not shown) could not come due to lack of funding. Hence, there is room for one or two more speeches. If you have proposals, contact Arve Meisingset before Friday 14 September.

Start to rebook your return flights and change the hotel reservations up to Sunday!

Who, When, Where and How?

ITU-T Study Group 10, Languages and general software aspects of telecommunication applications, calls for a workshop on the Philosophy and Applicability of Formal Languages. The workshop will take place in ITU premises, Montbrillant building room 2K, Saturday 15 September 2001.

The workshop is in particular addressed to SG 10 participants, but is open to others who take interest in or can contribute to the topic. All participants to the workshop should register their interest to the SG 10 secretary, Marie Bercher (tel.5871,, before Friday 14 September 14.00, such that access to the building can be provided on Saturday. The meeting room will be provided with a flip over and projector for presentations.


SG 10 is standardising about 10 different application specific notations with accompanying methods and frameworks. In addition, SG 10 uses several different notations and approaches to formalise these application specific notations. SG 10 therefore has a need to provide harmonised approaches for how to present these notations. In particular, we seek to answer the following questions:
  • Is it true that specifications describe implementations?
  • Is it true that specification languages are modelling approaches?
  • Is it true that specification languages are description techniques?

Therefore, SG 10 calls for this workshop on
  • Syntactical and grammatical theory
  • Modelling approaches
  • Frameworks
  • Application domains

for Formal Languages. The workshop will disseminate knowledge on Formal language meta theory, Mathematical philosophy and use of the languages. Also, the workshop will look into frameworks and software architectures for Formal Languages. This way, the workshop may disseminate knowledge to trigger language co-ordination activities within ITU-T SG17.

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Updated : 2001-12-18