ITU-T/ITU-D Workshop "Standardization and Development of Next Generation Networks" |
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 3-5
October 2006 |
At the kind invitation of the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA),
the International Telecommunications Union - Standardization Bureau (ITU-T)
and the International Telecommunication Union - Development Bureau (ITU-D)
jointly organized a Workshop on “Next Generation Networks” which took place from 3-5 October 2006 inclusive, at the Markham Suites Hotels,
Dar-Es-Salaam, in the United Republic of Tanzania.
The objectives of the seminar were twofold: first, to discuss the current
trends, status and future evolution of Next Generation Networks technology
and standardization, as being addressed by the ITU-T and share the
experiences of NGN design, development and deployment. Central to these are:
what areas of technology innovation hold the greatest promise for NGNs; what
are the most innovative applications and services possible with NGNs? To
this effect, issues revolving around NGN architecture, NGN technology and
quality of service requirements, as well as evolution will be explored.
Second, as NGNs are a major departure from the network today - these
developments will likely change the ways of the telecommunication sector
operates, NGN regulatory and policy issues for developing countries to
exploit its full potential for development will also be discussed.