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 Workshop "Next Generation Network"
CTO Senior Advisor, Nortel

Marco began his career as telecommunication system engineer in Solvay, an international chemical group, and then worked for 8 years in France Telecom R&D as Research Engineer in Broadband Data Services and Network Technologies, participating in a number of international FT projects as technical expert in IP/MPLS and VPN domains.
He joined Nortel in 2002 as Senior Advisor inside the CTO organization and his current focus is on Next Generation Networks and emerging IP-based services and technologies, promoting Nortel strategic interests in those areas in international standards bodies.
Involved in standardization since 1996, he is currently acting as ITU-T NGN GSI Rapporteur for Question 2/13 (Requirements and implementation scenarios for emerging services in NGN) and actively participates in the NGN related ETSI TISPAN technical body, where he covers the Liaison Officer role from ITU-T SG13. Among his past management positions in standardization, he co-chaired the Services and Requirements working group in the ITU-T Focus Group on NGN, served on the Optical Internetworking Forum Board of Directors, chaired the IETF Provider Provisioned VPN Working Group and held Q11/13 Rapporteurship during the previous ITU-T study period.
Marco has authored a number of IETF drafts and RFCs, ITU-T Recommendations, other contributions to standard bodies and papers. He holds an Electronic Engineering degree in Telecommunications from Pisa University (Italy), a M.S. in Engineering and Management of Telecommunication Networks from National Institute of Telecommunications (Evry, France) and a Master in International Business Development from ESSEC Business School (Paris).
Chae Sub LEE 

Chae Sub LEE has been working in the telecoms standardisation field for over 20 years. He has actively involved in regional standards in ASTAP, APT, TTA and CJK in the area of network standards. He has been involved in ITU-T standards development for the ISDN, GII, IP-based networks and NGN. He was mainly involved in Study Group XVIII (currently SG13) as a rapporteur on Architecture and Interworking areas. He is a vice-chairman of ITU-T Study Group 13 and Chairman of WP2/13 on Architectural study. He also shared his role as Chairman of NGN Focus Group from June 2004 till November 2005.
After a career of twenty years with KT as a senior researching engineer, he built a venture company called HiSPOT S.A. And he has been an invited researching staff to ETRI on International Standard acitivities.
Cisco Systems

Keith began his career in telecommunications in 1978 at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory of the UK Science and Engineering Research Council where he was involved in building and operating SERCNet which later evolved into the UK Joint Academic Network (JANET).
From 1984 to 1990 he worked for Logica on a number of projects grounded on OSI protocols, in particular the X.400 message handling system, and on ISDN standardisation.
From 1990 to 2000 he was engaged in ISDN, ATM and IP network development at Telia (formerly Swedish Telecom) in Stockholm, Sweden.
He now has the position of Technical Leader in Cisco Systems with specialisation in the areas of Voice over IP, interworking with the PSTN and QoS control architectures.
Keith has been active in standardisation activities for over two decades. He has been editor of several ITU-T Recommendations, ETSI and British Standards; Rapporteur in ITU-T Study Group 11 and in ITU-D SG1; and co-chair of the QoS working group in the ITU-T NGN Focus Group.
He has a Higher Technical Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Oxford Polytechnic and a Masters Degree in Communications Policy Studies from City University, London. Keith has published a number of technical courses and numerous papers.
   Naotaka MORITA 
NTT Service Integration Laboratories

Naotaka MORITA received his B.E. and M.E. degrees from Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan, in 1985 and 1987, respectively.
In 1987, he joined the Research and Development Center of NTT Corporation, where he engaged in the research of ATM systems. From 2000, he has been studying VoIP and Interactive Multimedia technologies.
From October 2004, he has been a Vice Chair and Working Party 3 chairman of SG13, which is the lead study group of NGN, in the ITU-T.
He was a co-leader of working group 2, the Functional Architecture and Mobility Group in Focus Group of NGN (FGNGN) and an editor of draft ITU-T Recommendation Y.NGN-FRA “Functional Requirements and Architecture of the NGN.”
Ms. Xiaoya YANG 
Workshop Project Coordinator
Telecommunication Standardizations Bureau (TSB)
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

Ms. Yang is the Workshop Project Coordinator in the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-TSB). Before she jointed ITU in 2004, she worked in the Ministry of Information Industry of China since 1998. There she was the division director responsible for administration of Internet management and information security. She worked in China Telecom 1997-1998 as a network engineer and service manager in their Internet service department. She has a M.S. in Engineering from Tsinghua University and a MBA from Hongkong Polytechnic University.


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