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Workshop on "Framework and scope of formal languages"
Geneva, 2 March 2002

Framework and scope of formal languages


02 March 2002
Montbrillant Building, ITU-T, Place des Nations, Geneva
08:30 - 17:00

The workshop is being held to mark the start of a new ITU-T project called the: Language Coordination Project

The workshop is also being held during the first meeting of the new ITU-T Study Group 17.

ITU-T languages include the well known ASN.1, MSC, SDL and TTCN set used widely within the telecommunications industry, as well as newer languages (such as ODL) and languages currently under study with ITU-T Study Group 17 (such as URN). Although these languages are used within ITU-T, it is recognized that the majority of users are either involved in product development or producing deliverables for other organizations such as ETSI, 3GPP or even IETF. There is also a small but growing number of users in other industries such as aeronautics and vehicle manufacture, whose use of these languages contributes to long-term viability. The ITU-T Study Group 17 Language Coordination Project is intended to benefit this whole community of users.

The project has the following objectives:
  • To improve the engineering process of products by providing a framework and a set of languages that are smoothly integrated;
  • To allow easy integration with relevant languages developed and maintained outside ITU;
  • To improve Recommendations in the sense that they can be more easily implemented as products and that products can be more rigorously tested for conformance.

There is a need to present the ITU-T languages in a coordinated framework to enable users to understand where they can be used and standardization bodies to coordinate and set priorities, and so that everyone can ascertain what is covered or not covered by the ITU-T languages. Therefore, there is a need to present all the languages/notations in a common framework as a coordinated language family; to adopt a common approach to presentation of the languages; to coordinate methods for use of the languages; and to adopt a common approach to promotion.

The workshop is therefore intended to explore these issues through a combination of presentations and discussion. The issues to be addressed include the integrated use of various languages including technical difficulties, methods and tools and the objectives of the Language Coordination Project itself.

Inputs are invited that will contribute to the project and should be considered at the workshop. These can range from: proposals on what the project should aim to achieve, technical merits and concerns on the integrated use of various languages including technical difficulties, methods and tools; through to presentations on languages and methods from outside ITU.

Presenters have been asked to focus on the use of languages together, rather than specific details of a presented language.

This is not a conference, but a workshop, so that participants can contribute to the discussion and future direction as well as learn.

As it is planned that the workshop is interactive, the programme given is only intended as a guideline. Presenters do not have fixed time slots and have been asked to allow for plenty of discussion time, though most speakers probably need 15 minutes to do justice to their subject.

The time slots for the breaks and lunch are assumed to be less flexible.

It is anticipated that most delegates will either be able to download presentations and accompanying notes or papers from the ITU-T Internal Ethernet on the day (bring your laptop and cables - there are Ethernet sockets and power at every seat).

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