Thursday, 12 October 2006 |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Opening Remarks and Keynote speech
Alistair Buttar, PhD, Motorola Corporate Standards: IPTV – Any Device, Anytime, Anywhere
09:30 - 11:00 |
Session 1: IPTV business and market trends
This session will review various types of business models for IPTV such as IP based video streaming services, IPTV over Mobile and IPTV over Fixed/Cable etc. It will also review the status of markets in each business domain and discuss future trends in IPTV markets.
James Thomson, Cullen International: IPTV – Market, Regulatory Trends and Policy Options in Europe
This paper looks at IPTV commercial offers and regulation in the five largest EU Member States (France,
Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK) and four smaller Member States with the highest broadband penetration
rates ranging between 20%-25% (Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden).
IPTV is in its infancy in all of the markets surveyed. France has the largest number of IPTV subscribers so
far. Alternative operator Free reported 1.26 million IPTV subscribers and France T�l�com 300,000
subscribers as of end June 2006 (which should be seen in the context of 23.5 million households in France).
In Italy, alternative operator FastWeb reported 870,000 subscribers as of end June 2006 (22 million
households in Italy).
The paper discusses a number of regulatory issues related to IPTV: replicability of incumbent operators’
IPTV offers, predatory pricing, bundling, cross-subsidy by alternative operators of their retail prices from
fixed PSTN call termination revenues, must-carry obligations, and net neutrality. The paper also compares
the authorisations or licences an IPTV provider would need from the broadcasting authority depending on
the types of services provided.
Reza Tadayoni, M.Sc.E.E., Ph.D, Center for information and communication technologies (CICT): IPTV – Market, Regulatory Trends and Policy Options in Asia-Pacific
The market for television services has been subject to radical changes through the convergence of technologies and markets. Traditional TV broadcast services are still regulated on the basis of access and specific content oriented measures. This approach to regulation is no longer appropriate in a world, where there are a huge variety of TV and video services, competing with the traditional Broadcast services. Broadcasters of today are competing with TV broadcast offered through the Internet and other IP networks. Furthermore there are a number of ‘On demand’ video / audio services that to certain degree are comparable with programming within the traditional broadcast market.
The IPTV services offered in the broadband IP networks directly compete with major multi-channel platforms like digital cable TV and digital satellite TV. The IPTV development opens up for new possibilities for broadcasters both in terms of expansion of number of services (total removal of scarcity), the possibility for real interactivity and development of new business models. On the other hand IPTV is developing in the IP world, which traditionally has not been subject for regulation.
Obviously in this development, a number of problems raise which are directly connected to the convergence of the
regulated media sector the unregulated Internet platform. The aim of this presentation is to analyse the major regulatory issues related to IPTV. The analysis is mainly based on the discussions in Korea, China and the US. However, also examples from the European markets are included.
11:00 - 11:20 |
Coffee break |
11:20 - 12:40 |
Session 2: IPTV Case Study
This session will review several service providers’ service and business cases in order to provide a view of operational IPTV services.
Dimitri Ypsilanti, OECD: Multiple Play: Market and Policy Trends in OECD Countries
The rollout of broadband Internet connectivity has allowed telecommunication, cable and satellite operators to offer an increasingly similar service blend of video, voice and data to subscribers. This presentation provides an overview of developments across OECD countries in multiple play services and some of the policy issues which may appear as more operators offer converged services. The analysis is based on 87 firms in the 30 OECD countries. The appendix offers package and pricing details for 2-3 providers in each country.
Paul Berriman, PCCW: Key Success Factors… Beyond IPTV |
Young-Hui Lee, Senior Vice President, KT, Korea |
12:40 - 14:00 |
Lunch break |
14:00 - 15:30 |
Session 3: Regulatory Issues
This session will review the current status of IPTV related regulatory and political framework with status reports from various countries. Further developments are needed in these critical areas to encourage IPTV business and regional view points from Asia, EU and North America will be given.
Dr. J. Huigen, Director Broadband and Broadcasting: All IP networks: Regulatory Business As Usual?
The question in the title is a rhetorical one. The presentation argues, first, that the emergence of All IP networks is of fundamental importance for regulation. Further, the reasons will be explored why the development of All IP networks is not a natural phenomenon, but in fact a highly unlikely one. Among others, the main regulatory environments in the world (Asia, US and EU) will be explored to see what the dynamics in these environments are and how they explain the emergence of All IP networks. Subsequently, the competitive dynamics caused by the emergence of All IP networks will be explored. Against this background the question is how to regulate. The main question there are: where will dominant positions arise and what business models will arise in an ALL IP environment? Some types of business models will be reviewed and key regulatory considerations will be reviewed.
Danny K C Lau, Assistant Director, Office of the Telecommunications Authority: IPTV in Hong Kong – Current Status and Regulatory Regime
In Hong Kong, all six mobile operators are providing IPTV services to their mobile subscribers. In addition, three other companies are providing IPTV services over fixed networks.
For IPTV services over fixed network, the first IPTV services was launched in Hong Kong in end 2003, but just within a few years, the total number of IPTV users over fixed networks has reached 700,000, representing 30% household penetration in Hong Kong.
The presentation gives an up-to-dated status on the IPTV development in Hong Kong and the regulatory approach currently adopted by the Hong Kong regulators for facilitating the development of IPTV services.
Keith Read, BT plc: IPTV and Regulatory Compliance
BT has a reputation Europe-wide, and beyond, for it its leading-edge approach to regulatory compliance.
The UK communications regulator, Ofcom, is recognised within Europe as one of the most effective regulators and, over the last three years, BT has developed an award-winning regulatory compliance strategy which includes sophisticated Computer-Based Training (CBT), an externally-published annual Regulatory Compliance Report and industry fora which bring together telecoms and other UK regulated industries.
This approach to regulatory compliance is now being used very effectively in the roll-out of BT Vision, BT’s new IPTV service. The launch of IPTV brings with it a number of complex regulatory issues and compliance challenges and we have used our experiences over the last three years to develop an equally effective and robust compliance framework for IPTV.
The presentation outlines the BT Vision product, the approach to regulatory compliance that BT has taken with this new area and, overall, highlights how regulatory compliance both supports the development of BT’s business and is at the heart of BT’s activities.
15:30 - 16:00 |
Coffee break |
16:00 - 17:30 |
Session 4: Direction for Global Environments
IPTV can only take advantage of the global broadband IP connectivity already deployed in most parts of the world, if the regulatory and political framework is properly supported. This session will investigate the future direction of these elements as key driving forces for the future of global IPTV.
Jaroslaw K. Ponder, ITU: IPTV: New Challenge for Global ICT Sector Policies
Migration to all-IP environment becomes pervasive in the ICT sector nowadays. This trend changes character of traditional telecommunication industry and significantly accelerates convergence process. Looking for new business models, that would ensure competitive advantage, many ICT sector stakeholders find efficient way to use the IP environment and enter new markets. Fixed and mobile network operators, cable-TV, broadcasters and infrastructure less providers become hard competitors. The borders between different markets become more and more bleared, what set new policy and regulatory requirements for the whole ICT sector.
The goal of this presentation is to draw attention to the regulatory and policy challenges related to the IPTV. Together with wide deployment of the broadband internet access most of the telecom operators start to offer new services, like for instance television, video on demand, interactive TV etc.. This development is not characteristic only for the developed economies. The same trends can be observed in developing countries and transition economies. A short analysis of worldwide proceedings related to the IPTV should point out existing similarities and demonstrate a direction in which the ICT sector policies and regulation are moving.
Goradana Grahovac, Director European Affairs on Media and Content Policy, France Telecom Group: Europe: the Review of the Television Without Frontiers (TWF) Directive
The presentation will focus on the Television Without Frontiers Directive, as well as on the current proposal for its revision and mainly on our expectations as a company involved in the provision of audiovisual media services.
The 1989 Television Without Frontiers Directive was modified firstly in 1997 to clarify certain of its provisions and to bring it up to date to take into account technological developments. It contains provisions on the promotion of European works (“quotas” regime), advertising and sponsorship, protection of minors, broadcasting of major events, the country of origin principle and the right of reply. The Directive regulates television broadcasting services, including traditional TV, pay-per-view and near-video-on-demand but not video-on-demand and on-demand information services.
A new revision process was launched in December 2005. The current proposal would apply to all audiovisual media services whether scheduled (“pushed”) or on-demand (“pulled”). It would also cover any type of transmission network or platform delivery. The main areas of discussion for the EU institutions are on definitions (linear versus non-linear services), the country of origin principle and the introduction of rules to allow product placement.
For businesses, the most controversial aspect of the proposal is on the introduction of new rules to cover non-linear services.
Stuart Chiron, Director of Regulatory Affairs, PCCW Limited: Direction for Global Environments |
17:30 – 18:40 |
Open Discussion |
Friday, 13 October 2006 |
9:00 - 10:30 |
Session 5: Services and applications over IPTV
The emphasis in this session will be on the development of various services and applications envisaged for IPTV. Discussion will focus on the impact of IPTV in different domains such as telecommunication services, value added services and end user equipment and services.
Glenn Adams, Samsung, Korea: IPTV Services and End Users Systems
This presentation focuses on the role, nature, and composition of consumer electronics devices as end user systems in an end-to-end IPTV service infrastructure. The essential aspects of interchanged content and protocol support will be reviewed and situated in the context of the manufacturing of end user terminal devices. |
Alistair Buttar, PhD, Motorola Corporate Standards: IPTV – Any Device, Anytime, Anywhere
The inclusion of new levels of interactivity in IPTV, allowing end users to create, receive, store, edit, share and transmit multimedia content, combined with the evolving internet paradigm, provides an end user experience well beyond traditional linear broadcast services. Once mobility is added, IPTV becomes truly compelling as a ubiquitous service which spans different network domains and varied IP-enabled terminals and devices, such as the set-top box, PC and cellphone. Mobile IPTV, in particular, can take advantage of new advances in wireless technology promoting un-tethered use in home, enterprise, auto and public safety environments. New wireless technology, when combined with telecommunication system standards, promises a world where IPTV services can be accessed anywhere, anytime, and anywhere, while the user is masked from the underlying technological complexity. The Converged Services Framework, the subject of a current ITU-T NGN-GSI draft Recommendation, can be applied for coordination of IPTV services across different operational domains (both wireline and wireless) and provides an additional step towards full Seamless Mobility for the user.
Tae Am, CHOI, CEO, PyroWorks: Network PVR based services and application over IPTV
According to the market research results, PVR (Personal Video Recorder) service is one of the most favorite services in IPVT. Since TV services over IP connectivity was introduced, PVR services have been a big change such as “Networked PVR” concept. Networked PVR is recognized that has several advantages than local PVR.
This presentation introduce a concept and key features of “Networked PVR” and to avoid certain confusion, this presentation will classify “Networked PVR services” into 3 types such as ‘Time-shifted TV’, ‘TV on Demand’ and ‘PVR’. Each service is defined through this presentation in terms of “services” and “systems” to be one of important features of IPTV services.
This presentation will cover how “Networked PVR” operates watching between ‘personal channel’ and “public channels” as well as similar operation between public AD (Advertisement) and personal AD. The functional architecture and system features for “Networked PVR” are introduced briefly. In addition to this, the system for channel zapping time reduction is explained how it works.
Kamal Ahmed, TNO Information- and Communication Technology, the Netherlands: Perceived quality of channel zapping
The end user experience of service quality is critical to the success of a service provider’s IPTV deployment program. A key element involved in validating IPTV quality of experience (QoE) is how quickly and reliably users can change TV channels, often referred to as channel zapping. Currently there is no knowledge about the explicit relation between zapping time and the user perceived quality as expressed as a Mean Opinion Score (MOS). We have proposed a model where the MOS depends on the zapping time on a logarithmic scale. In order to validate our model we have conducted a number of subjective tests in order to get insight in this relation. The tests were performed by 21 test subjects at TNO and at ACREO (Sweden). It turns out that the correlation between the subjective data and the perceptive model is very high (0.99). Therefore we conclude that our perceptive model is very useful for assessing the perceived quality of zapping.
10:30 - 11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Session 6: IPTV Service Enablers
Felix Zhang, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd: NGN based IPTV |
Gianluca D’Errico, Project Manager in the Service Layer Innovation of Telecom Italia: IMS enabling interactive, IPTV services
This presentation will discuss how IMS enablers and a SOA-based Service Layer can enable interactive IPTV services. Starting from some service concepts, the enabling functions will be identified and put in an integrated architectural view targeted to intermediate between 3rd party content and service providers, and final users.
The presentation will close focusing on the hot topics Telecom Italia is investigating in order to implement de described integration model.
Jeho Nam, Team Leader, ETRI: Interoperable DRM platform for IPTV
As the number of service provider increases, a variety of DRM systems appears without supporting interoperability. The lack of interoperability in DRM systems causes inconvenience to customers especially when they want to play content through more than one device manufactured by different vendors. The presentation gives an overview of the Interoperable DRM Platform Phase-2 (IDP-2) technical specification that is recently completed by the Digital Media Project (DMP). The IDP-2 is an open business-agnostic specification of DRM tools for Stationary Audio & Video Devices (SAV).
Dugerdil Bernard, Freescale Semiconductor, HGI Board Member: The role of home gateways in IPTV services, from a HGI perspective
HGI (Home Gateway Initiative) founded by nine telecom Operators in December 2004 is an open Forum for any operator or manufacturer who is deploying or developing home gateways. As of September 30th 2006, the HGI had 66 members, operators and manufacturers, who are key worldwide players in the home gateway or home networking domains, including CPE vendors, chipset manufacturers and network equipment providers.
The recently published HGI Release 1 Specification is already being used in tenders for broadband Home Gateways and Release 2 will set a set of additional features mainly concerning "IPTV" that will provide greater and better support for an end to end IPTV delivery.
12:30 - 14:00 |
Lunch break |
14:00 - 15:30 |
Session 7: IPTV Service Delivery Mechanism
This session will discuss delivery mechanisms for various contents over IPTV. As well as transport aspects, the session will focus on service and transport control view points including DRM, security and QoS etc.
Dr. Simon T Jones, BT, Chief IPTV Architect: IPTV Delivery Architecture
The successful deployment of an IPTV service requires an architectural framework that clearly identifies the components of the IPTV service, the interfaces between them, and the interfaces between these components and the operators systems and networks.
In this presentation an architecture framework is constructed from an analysis on the basic components of an IPTV service and the typical components of an operator’s systems and network.
Han-kyu Lee, Team Leader, ETRI, Korea, TV-Anytime Metadata for IPTV
The IPTV service is change the multimedia broadcasting and unicasting service environment and related market.
Since 2002, TV-Anytime Forum developed technical specifications for the new service paradigm; personalized or targeting, redistribution of contents and new contents type. After the forum’s works for specifications, members of TV-Anytime Forum have worked to standardize, implement and industrialize the specifications.
This presentation introduces the brief TV-Anytime technologies. For IPTV service environment, part of the second phase of TV-Anytime specifications are mainly discussed.
Masahito Kawamori, NTT, Japan: Middleware, Applications, and Content Platforms for IPTV
Middleware, Application and Content Platforms (MACPf) are important and integral part of IPTV services because they provide the viewer with what is essential to IPTV, the viewing experience. In this talk, I will explain what constitutesMACPf for IPTV. MACPf is the platform for middleware, applications, content formats that facilitates effective and interoperable use of an IPTV system for presenting and interacting with IPTV services. This typically includes content presentation and execution engines, content navigation applications such as EPG, metadata and content discovery mechanisms, and audio and video coding. I will discuss use cases of MACPf, and review some of the existing examples of MACPf from the area of interactive DTV. I touch on some desiderata and requirements on MACPf from the point of view of IPTV, and conclude with some future directions.
Christian Jacquenet, France Telecom: Towards Multicast Traffic Engineering?
The Internet has become a privileged infrastructure for the support of a wide range of service offerings, including videoconferencing and TV broadcasting services. Such services can naturally benefit from the IP multicast transmission scheme, considering the group communication scheme they refer to (either 1-to-n or p-t0-n), but also because of both the resource optimization and the dynamics that are specific to IP multicast.
Nevertheless, multicast distribution trees in IP networks are receiver-initiated, and their dynamic establishment and maintenance does not take care of the access capacities of the receivers. IP multicast distribution trees do not take care about the actual availability of the network resources either, which means that, at any given time, a set of receivers might experience some difficulties in accessing the service they have subscribed to with the required level quality.
This is the kind of issue that is of peculiar importance for real-time services such as IPTV. From this perspective, this presentation briefly investigates a couple of approaches that include the activation of DiffServ (Differentiated Services) and MPLS-TE (Multi-Protocol Label Switching, Traffic Engineering) capabilities in IP multicast-enabled networks. It also discusses the interest of such techniques for providers who are concerned by the reliable delivery of QoS-demanding services to their customers.
Keywords: IP Multicast, Traffic Engineering, Quality of Service
Katsunori Aoki, Senior Researcher Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK): Desirable feature of IPTV system for DTTB re-transmission platform and an introduction of experimental IPTV system for ISDB-T
Terrestrial TV broadcasting is the most widely diffused medium and performs an essential role in the everyday life of the people. The smooth transfer of terrestrial television from the current analogue to the digital broadcasting format is very important. IPTV system is considered as one of candidates of supplemental method to delivery digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DTTB) programs to areas direct signal reception of DTTB is poor.
This presentation briefly describes desirable feature of IPTV system for digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DTTB) re-transmission platform and describes an experimental IPTV system which NHK has developed. This system is designed to keep the integrity of ISDB-T (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting - Terrestrial) broadcasting service and to satisfy requirements defined in ITU-T Rec. J.281.
15:30 - 16:00 |
Coffee break |
16:00 - 17:30 |
Session 8: IPTV Standardization
This session will provide a snapshot of IPTV related standards activities presently under discussion in different standardization bodies. A key goal of standardization is to meet market demand in a timely manner. The session will investigate targets for IPTV standardization as a key enabler of IPTV businesses.
Jun Kyun Choi, Professor, ICU, Korea: IPTV Technical Issues and Standardization Strategies in Korea
In this presentation, the current IPTV market and services in Korea are introduced. IPTV is critical to accelerate Broadband convergence Network deployment and introduce broadband convergence services in Korea.
Key business and deployment strategies of IPTV in Korea are summarized. But, the regulatory issues for IPTV business are not simple in Korea and it should be urgently requested to be solved. Some activities of IPTV players and network configuration are reviewed and observed in Korea.
For the IPTV standardization with ITU-T, the outstanding technical issues and evolution strategies are proposed. Finally, standardization strategies of IPTV Focus Group in ITU-T are proposed.
Duo Liu, CATR,MII, Vice chairman of Network and Switch TC in CCSA: The IPTV standardization activities in China
This presentation will give a brief introduction of the IPTV standardization activities in China, including the standards organization, the members, the working method, the published standards, the standards under study and the future plan.
Doug Young Suh, Ph.D., Media Lab, KHU: MPEG-64 : MPEG + IPv6 + 4G
MPEG standardization has been evolving to be friendlier to network. While MPEG-1 was standardized only for storage, the successive MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and SVC have been standardized for delivery over broadcasting network, wireless network, and heterogeneous network, respectively. As an extension of the trend, this presentation proposes MPEG-64 which combines full QoS supporting features of MPEG, IPv6, and 4G mobile communications regardless of harmonization with the legacy environments. It argues that since IPTV service cannot exist alone in the future network, QoS should be controlled in the presence of conversational services and non real-time services.
Jean-Francois Fleury, Representing DVB: IPTV related standardization activities in DVB
Today there is rising call for worldwide standardization for IPTV, led by such organizations as DVB, ITU, ATIS, ISMA, DSL-Forum, to name but a few. DVB will play a central role in this standardization process, as it started back in 2001 and most players within the IPTV value chain are already DVB members. Furthermore, DVB’s leading role in broadcast TV and the activities in the mobile TV area strengthen this position.
The presentation gives an up-to-date status on the DVB-IP specifications released by ETSI, about on-going work in the technical groups and also about the future work items that are being prepared by the commercial group.
Richard Brand, ATIS IIF Vice Chair, Presented by Dr. Simon Jones, BT: ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF) and IPTV Standardization Activities
The ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF) was established by ATIS in June 2005, as the result of the recommendation of an exploratory group established by the ATIS Board of Directors to assess the technical and operational opportunities and challenges surrounding deployment of IPTV and the status of related standardization activity. The IIF held its first meeting in September 2005. This presentation gives an up-to-date status on the IPTV specifications completed by the IIF, the IPTV standards work currently underway in the IIF, and future work planned by the IIF.
Ghassem Koleyni, Nortel Networks, Chairman, FG IPTV: ITU-T Focus Group on Internet Protocol Television (FG IPTV)
The ITU-T focus group on IPTV was created in April 2006 and had its first meeting in July with a good number of contributions and participants. In this presentation structure of the focus group as well as the detailed activities of its working groups will be explained.