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 ITU Workshop on Standards and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Issues
 New Delhi, India, 19-20 December 2011 Contact:
A joint ITU-GISFI Workshop on Standards and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues will be held from 19 to 20 December 2011 at the HMR Institute of Technology and Management in Hamidpur, New Delhi, India. This event, which will be hosted by the Global ICT Standardization Forum for India (GISFI), will be followed by the Seventh GISFI meeting from 21 to 22 December 2011 at the same venue.

Please note the change in venue:

These events will now take place at the HMR Institute of Technology and Management and not the Hotel Ashok as previously announced.
In today’s commercial world, especially in information and communication technologies (ICT), it is difficult to develop technical standards without implicating patents. It is important to find the right balance between the interests of all of the relevant stakeholders, including patent holders, implementers of the standard, and end-users while seeking to enable solutions to market-driven needs on a global basis. Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) seek to articulate this balance in their IPR or Patent Policies. While these policies have largely been effective, SDOs typically undertake efforts to maintain their Policy and related Guidelines in an effort to stay responsive to their stakeholders’ needs as new issues arise.

In addition, SDOs also are confronted with copyright issues relating to the incorporation of software in standards.

These patents and copyrights issues are complicated and the subject of debate on a global basis.

India plays an increasingly important role in the processes of ICT development and standardization and therefore is an important part of the IPR debate.
This workshop is being convened to provide a forum to discuss current issues relating to the inclusion of patented technology and software in standards. International experts from both the public and private sectors will help provide an overview of the issues and share their insights on present and future developments.

The exchange of ideas and experiences facilitated by this workshop will provide valuable insight and input that can help to guide future discussion of the related issues.
Who should attend ?
This workshop should be of interest to a range of different stakeholders from around the world – whether they are participants in or beneficiaries of the standardization process, industry representatives, government officials or standards body experts. Participation is open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates, Academia and to any individual from a country which is a member of ITU.
Please take a few minutes to respond to the following survey, which is designed to assess your satisfaction with this event. Information that you provide will be treated confidentially (only overall ratings will be published). Thank you for your time.

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Updated : 2012-01-19