Workshop to develop a Recommendation to clarify the management of ".int" |
Where: Geneva
When: 15-16 September 2003
The purpose of this Workshop was to start developing a Recommendation on the management of .int further to the
mandate from ITU's last Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) through its Resolution 102, which was
revised to include the following instruction to the Director of TSB: "to work with Member States and Sector
Members, recognizing the activities of other appropriate entities, to develop a recommendation to clarify the
management of the domain '.int'."
Co-Chairman of the Workshop
Mr. Francis Gurry,
Assistant Director General and Legal Counsel of the World Intellectual Property Organization
Mr. Paul Twomey,
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers
Convening letter (TSB Circular 162)
Workshop Agenda
Workshop Documents
Background Information
ITU-T Guide for Beginners