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 ITU Workshop: “Intellectual Property Rights and ICT standards implementation”
 Geneva, 01 July 2008 Contact: 
Advance Programme
09:30 — 09:50 Opening session:

Workshop Chair: Ms. Amy Marasco (Microsoft)
[ Biography ]

Objectives: This workshop is being convened to provide a forum, hosted by the ITU, to discuss current issues relating to the inclusion of patented technology in standards and the patent policy approaches to address those issues. International experts from both the public and private sectors from around the world will help provide an overview of the issues and share their insights on present and future developments.

Opening address: Mr. Malcolm Johnson (TSB Director)
[ Biography | Opening address ]
09:50 — 11:50 Session 1: Governments’ Perspectives on Standards and IPR Policy Issues

Coordinator: Mr. Serge Raes (France Telecom)
[ Biography ]

Objectives: The public sector is becoming increasingly involved in the discussion of issues relating to the inclusion of patented technology in standards. The experts in this session will provide insight into government perspectives in their particular region of the world, on both the issues themselves as well as the role of governments in helping to shape patent policy approaches that could be adopted by standards-setting organizations.

11:50 — 12:10 Coffee break
12:10 — 12:50 Session 2: PTO perspectives on Standards and IPR Issues

Coordinator: Mr. Kishik Park (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
[ Biography ]

Objectives: Government Patent Offices are increasingly considering whether they should formulate opinions on the interplay between standards and patents. They also are exploring the possibility of developing possible interfaces with standards-setting organizations. For example, at the 12th meeting of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC), the participating standards organizations passed a resolution encouraging them “to cooperate with the relevant Patent and Trademark Offices to provide access to technical information for use by such Agencies that should help them improve the quality of patents being granted.” The experts in this session will provide insight into government perspectives in their particular region of the world.

  • Mr. Michel Goudelis (European Patent Office (EPO)): How to improve the Interface between standard setting organizations and patent examining authorities
    [ Biography | Presentation ]
  • Mr. Konstantinos Karachalios (European Patent Office (EPO)): Whose Game? The battles around global standards through the lens of EPO's scenarios
    [ Biography | Presentation ]
12:50 — 14:00 Lunch
14:00 — 16:40 Session 3: Standards-setting bodies’ Perspectives on Standards and IPR Issues

Coordinator: Mr. Keith Chu (Teridian)
[ Biography ]

Objectives: Standards-setting organizations are important fora where debates over patent policies are taking place. These organizations and their stakeholders often deliberate whether certain proposals to revise their operative patent policy will – or will not - improve the standards-setting process and make it more effective or efficient. These debates frequently bring into question the extent to which standards-setting bodies are appropriate venues to address patent and patent licensing issues in greater detail. Another related issue is the possible impact on the standards-setting process and incentives for stakeholders to both participate in that process and have their innovative technology included in the standard. The experts in this session from standard-setting bodies in different regions of the world will provide insight into the debates that have taken place under their auspices and some of the conclusions reached.

16:40 — 17:00 Coffee break
17:00 — 18:00 Wrap-up, Conclusion

Objectives: The focus on this session will be to discuss key insights developed during the workshop. Representatives from each of the sessions will present their views and highlight key ‘take-aways’ for the ITU and workshop participants to consider in connection with future discussions of these issues.

Session Chair: Ms. Amy Marasco (Microsoft)

Session 1 Coordinator: Mr. Serge Raes (France Telecom)
Session 1 Representative: Mr. Sean Gates (Morrison & Foerster)

Session 2 Coordinator: Mr. Kishik Park (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Session 2 Representative: Mr. Konstantinos Karachalios (European Patent Office (EPO))

Session 3 Coordinator: Mr. Keith Chu (Teridian)
Session 3 Representative: Mr. Yukio Hiramatsu (Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC, Japan))

18:00 Closing


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