Session 3: Communications, spectrum and standards - Part II (Moderator: Pierre-Andr� Probst)
Evaluation Metrics for vehicular communication systems
Anirban De,
Siva Jupudi,
Pramod Babu,
Dominic Paulraj and
Ravi Puvvala,Arada Systems
Audio, Video and Multimedia Standards for fully networked cars
Shuji Hirakawa,IEC TC100 (International Electrotechnical Commission, Technical Committee 100)
SDR (Software-defined Radio) for motor vehicles: past, present and future
John Chapin,Vanu Inc.
IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) Impact on the ITS Sector
Thierry Ernst,INRIA (The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control)
Supported by:
11:30 – 13:00
Session 4: Car-to-Car Communication (Moderator:
Jean-Yves Monfort)
C2C (car-to-car) Communication from the perspective of a global OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
Martin Wiecker
Christian Ress,Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH
Performance Comparison of AODV (Ad hoc on-demand distance vector) and OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) in urban VANET (Vehicle ad hoc network) scenarios
V�ctor Gonz�lez,
Alberto Los Santos and
Gregorio Mart�n,Networked Vehicles Division, Telef�nica I+D
Dynamic Vehicle Group Architecture for Efficient V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) and V2R (vehicle-with-roadside) Networking
Wai Chen,Telcordia Technologies & Toyota InfoTechnology Center
14:00 - 15:00
Session 5: Car-to-X Communication (Moderator: Paul Kompfner )
Virtual Sub-Centre (VSC) - Safety Concept for the European Road Transport
Dr. Chanan Gabay,Motorola
EDA : A cooperative application FOR AN EnhanceD Drivers’ AwarenesS
Simon Coutel and Hossein Zakizadeh,INRETS (The French National Institue for Transport and Safety Research) & Volvo
SatCom as part of the operational implementation of ITS applications – The SISTER Project
Monica Schettino,ERTICO
(ITS Europe)
Supported by:
15:30 - 17:30
Session 6: New telematics
delivery solutions (Moderator: Kevin Borras)
Activity of Honda’s Telematics "Interavi premium club"
Takeshi Imai,Honda Motor Co,Ltd
Automotive Middleware Support for Data Transfer from Web 2.0 to User Interfaces via Nomadic Devices
Francisco J. Gonz�lez-Casta�o,University of Vigo, Spain
Convergence of Telematics and Infotainment in Emerging Markets: an exciting opportunity
Dr. G. Venkatesh,Sasken Communication Technologies Limited