Workshop on Use of ITU-T Formal Languages |
Where: Geneva
When: Monday, 19 July 2004
Workshop Programme:
09.00-09.10 - Opening
Arve Meisingset, Telenor
09.10-09.40 - Need for specification techniques in NGN
Presentation by Janusz Dobrowolski, StateSoft
09.40-10.10 - Use of ITU-T languages in ETSI
Presentation by Milan Zoric, ETSI
10.10-10.40 - Use of ITU-T languages in IETF
Presentation by Os Monkewich, NCIT
10.40-11.00 - Coffee
11.00-11.30 - SDL Forum work towards standards
Presentation by Rick Reed, TSE Limited
11.30-12.00 - Use of
UML/SDL/MSC in the EU Integrated Project Daidalos
Presentation by Telemaco Melia, NEC
12.00-12.30 - Use of ITU-T languages in Nokia
Presentation by Colin Willcock, Nokia
12.30-14.00 - Lunch
14.00-14.30 - A tool vendor view on ITU-T language standardisation
Presentation by Anders Ek, Telelogic
14.30-15.00 - Use of SDL+ (Part 1|Part
Presentation by Alkis Yiannakoulias, National Technical University of Athens
15.00-15.30 - Use of VeUML
Presentation by Janusz Dobrowolski, StateSoft
15.30-16.00 - Summary of Workshop
Amardeo Sarma, NEC
Convening letter (TSB
Collective 5/17)