Workshop on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief |
Geneva, 17-19 February 2003 |
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Session 5 - Mobile Information and Communication Systems in Crisis Situations (MICS)
Mr J. Panchard, Media Action International / �cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne, Suisse
In crisis situations, Mobile Communication Networks are one of the most important means to support
emergency telecommunication capabilities for users involved in relief operations.
Traditional mobile networks are using a fixed infrastructure of base stations and switches to interconnect
the users handsets.
As alternative so-called "self-organised, ad-hoc, infrastructure-less" mobile networks based are now considered
in various research and development projects.
The presentation will give an overwiew of the project MICS from the EPFL in Lausanne/Switzerland, its objectives,
the scope of the different phases (including users requirements) and of the status of the work.
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