Workshop on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief |
Geneva, 17-19 February 2003 |
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Session 4 – EMTEL Requiremets Definition
Mr Wolfgang Heidrich
ETSI has started very early - in its February 2002 workshop - with the collection of the latest requirements
for Emergency Telecommunications (EMTEL) in order to update its deliverables to meet public interest communication
needs in emergencies. The presentation gives an overview on the work on requirements and its implementation into
ETSI standards.
As ETSI with its 768 members from 55 countries traditionally takes public communication needs into account, the
ongoing work is more or less an update of the existing standards for the communication between citizens and
authorities / organizations, between authorities / organizations and between authorities / organizations and
citizens. It addresses also the requirements for applications such as telemedicine and car communication services.
Due to binding legislation, priority is given to location enhanced emergency services (E 112) and priority
services over networks.
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