Session 5: Examining standardization inside out |
Chairman: |
Jim Carlo (J. Carlo Consulting, US)
S5.1: |
Kai Jakobs, Aachen University, Germany
Since 1987, Kai has been Head of Technical Staff at RWTH Aachen University's Chair of
Informatik 4. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh.
His research interest focuses on ICT standards and the standardisation process, with
an emphasis on the individual's role in standards setting, and on the pros and cons of
user participation in this process. In addition, he has been working on a number of
projects on various aspects of information networks.
Kai is (co)-author/editor of a text book on data communication and, more recently,
of eleven books on standardisation processes in ICT. So far, over 180 of his papers have
been published. He has been on the programme committees of numerous international
conferences, and has also served on evaluation panels of various European R&D programmes,
on both technical and socio-economic issues.
S5.2: |
Tineke Mirjam Egyedi, (Delft University of Technology)
Tineke Egyedi is senior researcher Standardization. She has participated in several
EU projects (the last one was on EU ICT standardization policy, finalised in 2007),
industry projects (e.g. Dynamics of standards; Sun Microsystems), and Dutch government
projects (e.g. Trends in Standardization).
Her current research interests projects include standards and infrastructure flexibility
(Next Generation Infrastructures project, TU Delft), and the interaction between international
standardization and national innovation projects (Dutch National Science Foundation).
She is president of the European Academy for Standardization (EURAS) and vice-chair of the
International Committee for Standardization about Education (ICES). She has chaired
standardization seminars, workshops and conferences. Currently she is associate editor of
the International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research (Idea Group) and
member of the editorial board of Computer Standards and Interfaces (Elsevier).
S5.3: |
M�irt�n O'Droma, University of Limerick, Ireland
M�irt�n O'Droma CEng, FIET, SMIEEE received his BE (`73) and PhD (`78) degrees
from the National University of Ireland. He is Director of the Telecommunications
Research Centre and a senior academic at the University of Limerick, Ireland. He was
founding and steering committee member in several European Union (EU) projects such
as ANWIRE - Academic Network for Wireless Internet Research in Europe -, the EU FP5
IST-38835, 2002-2004, the EU COST Actions 285 'Modelling and Simulation Tools for
Research in Emerging Multi-service Telecommunications', 290 'Traffic and QoS Management
in Wireless Multimedia Networks' and EU FP6 TARGET NOE (IST-507893). Past positions
include academic posts in University College Dublin and University College Galway,
and Director of a number of telecommunications companies. An IEEE Subject Matter Expert,
he has edited several books, and is author, and co-author, of over 120 international
journal and conference papers and book chapters.
S5.4: |
Yoshitoshi Murata, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Yoshitoshi Murata received his M.E from Nagoya University. He received his Ph.D
from Shizuoka University. From 1979 to 2006, he was belonging to NTT and NTT DoCoMo
and developing mobile communication systems, terminals and services. Since 2006,
he is a professor of faculty of Software and Information Science, Iwate Prefectural
University and a researcher of National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology. His research interests include mobile communication, sensor network,
sensor database and integrated media communication. He is a member of IEICE and IPSJ.