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Innovations in NGN – Future Network and Services
 An ITU-T Kaleidoscope Event, Geneva, 12-13 May 2008
 Session 2: Platform standardization
Chairman: Tarek N. Saadawy (CUNY, NY, US)
S2.1: Photo: Catherine Mulligan, University of Cambridge, UK

Catherine Mulligan is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge. Her research investigates the emerging industrial structure due to the convergence of the Telecommunications, IT and Broadcasting industries.

Prior to commencing her PhD, Catherine worked for several years in the IT and telecommunications industries. She holds an MPhil in Engineering, also from Cambridge, and a BSc (Hons) in Business Information Technology from the University of New South Wales.

S2.2: Photo: Rolan Christian, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Rolan Christian is currently an operations specialist for the Technology, Strategy and Integration unit of Telkom South Africa. Part of his responsibilities focus on integrating SDP and IMS-based solutions into the Telkom network. Rolan holds a BSc and BSc Honors degree in Information Technology from the University of Natal. He also holds a MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand. He is currently awaiting results for his PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand. His PhD research focused on service delivery platform standardisation by using a technology neutral framework.

S2.3: Photo: Rodrigo B. Campacci, Universidade de S�o Paulo, Brazil

Rodrigo B. Campacci received his Computer Engineering Degree at the University Of S�o Paulo Polytechnic School, in 2001. He is concluding his Computer Master’s Degree at the same institute. His degree was concluded in February 2008 at the Open Systems Laboratory of the university and it was about NGN, IMS and VCC Service. His research is supported by PT Inova��o, which is constructing a carrier grade IMS solution, focused on services and systems integration, which is one of the company areas of expertise. He has been working for the Brazilian branch of PT Inova��o since 2002, as a team leader of a development group, where he is responsible for the design and development of Intelligent Network (CAP and INAP) Services, like prepaid and postpaid. He is responsible as well for the application of knowledge about services design in Intelligent Networks to the IMS solution in development by the company. He is involved in IST European Projects, such as OPUCE, where PT Inova��o acts as a partner.”

S2.4: Photo: Yim-Fun Hu, University of Bradford, UK

Fun Hu received a 1st Class BSc degree in Mathematical Sciences and a Ph.D. degree in Information Systems Engineering, both from the University of Bradford, UK. In 1990, she joined the University of Leeds, UK, as a Research Fellow after working two years in the satellite communications industry. In 1994, she took up a lecturing position at the University of Bradford and was promoted to Professor in 2005. In 2007, Prof. Hu was awarded a sponsored Chair (Professor of Wireless Communications Engineering) by the Regional Development Agency, Yorkshire Forward. Prof. Hu has been involved in several defence, European Space Agency and EU-funded projects. She leads the Mobile Networks & Applications Group in the Mobile and Satellite Communications Research Centre. Currently, Prof. Hu’s research interests encompass mobile and wireless networking, wireless sensor technologies with particular applications to wireless telemetry systems and SOA-based information and network management for heterogeneous networks.



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