-- IDL module extracted from ITU-T Q Suppl. 28 (12/1999)
// File SPFEEUserAccess.idl
#ifndef spfeeuseraccess_idl
#define spfeeuseraccess_idl
#include "SPFEECommonTypes.idl"
#include "SPFEEAccessCommonTypes.idl"
module SPFEEUserAccess {
typedef SPFEECommonTypes::t_PropertyList t_CancelAccessSessionProperties;
interface i_UserAccessGetInterfaces {
// behaviour
// behaviourText
// "This interface allows the provider domain to get
// interfaces exported by this user domain."
// usage
// "This interface is not to be exported across
// Ret RP. It is inherited into the exported interfaces."
void getInterfaceTypes (
out SPFEECommonTypes::t_InterfaceTypeList itfTypes
) raises (
void getInterface (
in SPFEECommonTypes::t_InterfaceTypeName itfType,
in SPFEECommonTypes::t_MatchProperties desiredProperties,
out SPFEECommonTypes::t_InterfaceStruct itf
) raises (
void getInterfaces (
out SPFEECommonTypes::t_InterfaceList itfs
) raises (
}; // i_UserAccessGetInterfaces
interface i_UserAccess
: i_UserAccessGetInterfaces
// behaviour
// behaviourText
// "This interface is provided to a UA to perform actions during an
// access session. It inherits from i_UserAccessGetInterfaces to
// allow the retailer to ask for other interfaces exported by the
// consumer domain. (The retailer cannot register his own // // /
// interfaces!)";
// usage
// " ";
// DRAFT: this operation is draft only, any feedback on this operation is
// most welcome.
void cancelAccessSession(
in t_CancelAccessSessionProperties options
}; // i_UserAccess
interface i_UserInvite
// behaviour
// behaviourText
// "This interface is provided to a UA, to invite the user to:
// - join a service session
// - request an access session
// ";
// usage
// " ";
// inviteUser() types
void inviteUser (
in SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_SessionInvitation invitation,
out SPFEECommonTypes::t_InvitationReply reply
raises (SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::e_InvitationError)
void cancelInviteUser (
in SPFEECommonTypes::t_UserId inviteeId,
in SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_InvitationId id
) raises (
}; // i_UserInvite
interface i_UserTerminal {
// behaviour
// behaviourText
// "This interface is provided to a UA, to gain information about the
// terminal context.";
// usage
// " ";
// getTerminalInfo() types
void getTerminalInfo(
out SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_TerminalInfo terminalInfo
}; // i_UserTerminal
interface i_UserAccessSessionInfo
// ...AccessSessionInfo() types
oneway void newAccessSessionInfo (
in SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_AccessSessionInfo accessSession
oneway void endAccessSessionInfo (
in SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_AccessSessionId asId
oneway void cancelAccessSessionInfo (
in SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_AccessSessionId asId
oneway void newSubscribedServicesInfo (
in SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_ServiceList services
}; // i_UserAccessSessionInfo
interface i_UserSessionInfo
oneway void newSessionInfo (
in SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_SessionInfo session
oneway void endSessionInfo (
in SPFEECommonTypes::t_SessionId sessionId
oneway void endMyParticipationInfo (
in SPFEECommonTypes::t_SessionId sessionId
oneway void suspendSessionInfo (
in SPFEECommonTypes::t_SessionId sessionId
oneway void suspendMyParticipationInfo (
in SPFEECommonTypes::t_SessionId sessionId
oneway void resumeSessionInfo (
in SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_SessionInfo session
oneway void resumeMyParticipationInfo (
in SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_SessionInfo session
oneway void joinSessionInfo (
in SPFEEAccessCommonTypes::t_SessionInfo session
}; // i_UserSessionInfo