-- IDL module extracted from ITU-T Q Suppl. 28 (12/1999)
// File SPFEERetRetailerAccess.idl
#ifndef spfeeretretaileraccess_idl
#define spfeeretretaileraccess_idl
#include "SPFEEProviderAccess.idl"
module SPFEERetRetailerAccess {
interface i_RetailerAccess {
// behaviour
// behaviourText
// "This interface is the place to put operations which should be
// shared between i_RetailerNamedAccess and i_RetailerAnonAccess.
// These are specific to the Ret RP, so they don't go in i_ProviderAccess
// Currently none are defined."
// usage
// "This interface is not to be exported across Ret RP.
// It is inherited into the exported interfaces."
// No retailer specific operations are defined
}; // i_RetailerAccess
interface i_RetailerNamedAccess
// Change the name of the interface for Ret RP.
}; // i_RetailerNamedAccess
interface i_RetailerAnonAccess
: SPFEEProviderAccess::i_ProviderAnonAccess,
// Change the name of the interface for Ret RP
}; // i_RetailerAnonAccess
}; // module SPFEERetRetailerAccess