-- ============================================================================= -- GDMO definitions extracted from ITU-T Rec. G.855.1 (1999) -- ============================================================================= basicLayerNetworkDomain MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100:1995":layerNetworkDomain; CHARACTERIZED BY basicTrailHandlerPackage, basicLayerNetworkDomainPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR basicLayerNetworkDomainBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " The basicLayerNetworkDomain object class is a class of managed objects that manages the immediate set-up and release of trails. It provides the following functionality: 1) Immediate trail set-up; <G.854.6,OPERATION:setupPointToPointTrail> 2) Trail release. <G.854.6,OPERATION:releaseTrail> ";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES topologicalLinkHandlerPackage PRESENT IF "management of topological links is supported", topologicalLinkEndHandlerPackage PRESENT IF "management of topological link ends is supported", logicalLinkEndHandlerPackage PRESENT IF "management of link ends is supported", logicalLinkHandlerPackage PRESENT IF "management of links is supported"; REGISTERED AS {g85501MObjectClass 1}; basicSubNetwork MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100:1995":subNetwork; CHARACTERIZED BY basicConnectionPerformerPackage, basicSubNetworkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR basicSubNetworkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " The basicSubNetwork object class is a class of managed objects that manages the set-up and release of Subnetwork Connections, under the control of a manager. <G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkHasSubnetworkConnections> ";;;; REGISTERED AS {g85501MObjectClass 2}; basicConnectionPerformerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR basicConnectionPerformerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " The Basic Connection Performer object class provides basic connection set-up functionality. The action SetupSubNetworkConnection sets up a Subnetwork Connection, and releaseSubNetworkConnection removes the Subnetwork connection. ";; ACTIONS setupSnc, releaseSnc; REGISTERED AS {g85501Package 1}; basicTrailHandlerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR basicTrailHandlerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " Immediate trail set-up. When it receives the setupTrail request, the agent has the responsibility to: 1) find a route for the trail; 2) set up any required subnetwork connections; 3) ensure that the trail object instance has been created with the correct initial values. 4) inform the service user of the result of its request. Trail release: When it receives the releaseTrail request, the agent has the responsibility to: 1) release any used subnetwork connections; Update network resource usage (configuration) information; 2) inform the service user of the result of its request. ";; ACTIONS setupTrail, releaseTrail; REGISTERED AS {g85501Package 2}; logicalLinkEndHandlerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR logicalLinkEndHandlerPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This package provides the support for the orderly creation and deletion of a logical link end. ";; ACTIONS establishLogicalLinkAndEnds, removeLogicalLinkAndEnds; REGISTERED AS {g85501Package 3}; logicalLinkHandlerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR logicalLinkHandlerPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This package provides the support for the orderly creation and deletion of a logical link. ";; ACTIONS establishLogicalLink, removeLogicalLink; REGISTERED AS {g85501Package 4}; topologicalLinkEndHandlerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR topologicalLinkEndHandlerPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This package provides the support for the orderly creation and deletion of a topological link end. It also provides actions to enable an unassigned topological link end to be assigned to a server network TTP and an assigned topological link end to be de-assigned. ";; ACTIONS associateNetworkTTPWithTopologicalLinkEnd, disassociateNetworkTTPFromTopologicalLinkEnd, establishTopologicalLinkAndEnds, removeTopologicalLinkAndEnds; REGISTERED AS {g85501Package 5}; topologicalLinkHandlerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR topologicalLinkHandlerPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This package provides the support for the orderly creation and deletion of a topological link. It also provides actions to enable an unassigned topological link to be assigned to a server trail and an assigned topological link to be de-assigned. ";; ACTIONS associateTrailWithTopologicalLink, disassociateTrailFromTopologicalLink, establishTopologicalLink, removeTopologicalLink; REGISTERED AS {g85501Package 6}; associateNetworkTTPWithTopologicalLinkEnd ACTION BEHAVIOUR associateNetworkTTPWithTopologicalLinkEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action associates a networkTTP in the server layer with a topological link end in the client layer. There may be one and only one networkTTP associated with one topological link end. The result of action returns the potential capacity of the link and a list of the available network CTPs. <G.854.8,OPERATION:associateNetworkTTPWithTopologicalLinkEnd> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS "Recommendation M.3100:1995":noSuchLinkEnd, noSuchNetworkTTP, linkEndAndNetworkTTPsNotCompatible, initialCapacitiesFailure, networkTTPAlreadyAssociated, finalCapacitiesFailure, consistencyFailure, failureToAssociate; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.AssociateNetworkTTPWithTopologicalLinkEndInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.AssociateNetworkTTPWithTopologicalLinkEndResult; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 1}; associateTrailWithTopologicalLink ACTION BEHAVIOUR associateTrailWithTopologicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action associates a trail in the server layer with a topological link in the client layer. There may be one and only one server trail associated with one topological link. <G.854.8,OPERATION:associateTrailWithTopologicalLink> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS "Recommendation M.3100:1995":noSuchLink, noSuchTrail, linkAndTrailsNotCompatible, initialCapacitiesFailure, trailAlreadyAssociated, finalCapacitiesFailure, consistencyFailure, failureToAssociate; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.AssociateTrailWithTopologicalLinkInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.AssociateTrailWithTopologicalLinkResult; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 2}; disassociateNetworkTTPFromTopologicalLinkEnd ACTION BEHAVIOUR disassociateNetworkTTPFromTopologicalLinkEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action disassociates the server layer network TTP from the topological link end in the client layer. <G.854.8,OPERATION:disassociateNetworkTTPFromTopologicalLinkEnd> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS "Recommendation M.3100:1995":noSuchLinkEnd, noSuchNetworkTTP, networkTTPNotAssociated, capacityProvisionned, finalCapacitiesFailure; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.DisassociateNWTTPFromTopLinkEndInformation; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 3}; disassociateTrailFromTopologicalLink ACTION BEHAVIOUR disassociateTrailFromTopologicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action disassociates a server layer trail from the topological link in the client layer that it supports. <G.854.8,OPERATION:disassociateTrailFromTopologicalLink> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS "Recommendation M.3100:1995":noSuchLink, noSuchTrail, trailNotAssociated, capacityProvisionned, finalCapacitiesFailure, failureToDisassociate; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.DisassociateTrailFromTopLinkInformation; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 4}; establishLogicalLink ACTION BEHAVIOUR establishLogicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action creates a logical link between either: - two subnetworks; or - two access groups; or - a subnetwork and an access group; or - an access group and a subnetwork. The two end-points are specified in the information in the action request. The linkPointerList attribute of the associated subnetwork managed objects will be modified to reflect the creation of the logical link. A logical link managed object is created as a result of this action. The name of the logical link is returned in the action result. <G.854.3,OPERATION:createLink> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS incorrectLinkEnds, userIdentifierNotUnique, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToSetUserIdentifier, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToCreateLink, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToBindLink, failureToSetDirectionality; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.EstablishLogicalLinkInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.EstablishLogicalLinkResult; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 5}; establishLogicalLinkAndEnds ACTION BEHAVIOUR establishLogicalLinkAndEndsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action creates a logical link between and the logical link ends were the logical link connects: - two subnetworks; or - two access groups; or - a subnetwork and an access group; or - an access group and a subnetwork. A logical link and two logical link end managed objects are created as result of this action. The name of the logical link and the names of the logical link ends are returned in the action result. <G.854.3,OPERATION:createLink> <G.854.3,OPERATION:createLinkEnd> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS userIdentifierNotUnique, incorrectSubnetwork, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToCreateLinkEnd, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToBindLinkEnd, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToSetUserIdentifier, failureToSetDirectionality; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.EstablishLogicalLinkInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.EstablishLogicalLinkAndEndsResult; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 6}; establishTopologicalLink ACTION BEHAVIOUR establishTopologicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action creates a topological link between which connects: - two subnetworks; or - two access groups; or - a subnetwork and an access group; or - an access group and a subnetwork. A topological link managed object is created as result of this action. The name of the topological link is returned in the action result. <G.854.3,OPERATION:createTopologicalLink> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS incorrectLinkEnds, userIdentifierNotUnique, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToSetUserIdentifier, failureToCreateTopologicalLink, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToBindTopologicalLink, failureToSetDirectionality; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.EstablishTopologicalLinkInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.EstablishTopologicalLinkResult; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 7}; establishTopologicalLinkAndEnds ACTION BEHAVIOUR establishTopologicalLinkAndEndsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action creates a topological link between and the topological link ends were the topological link connects: - two subnetworks; or - two access groups; or - a subnetwork and an access group; or - an access group and a subnetwork. A topological link and two topological link end managed objects are created as result of this action. The name of the topological link and the names of the topological link ends are returned in the action result. <G.854.3,OPERATION:createTopologicalLink> <G.854.3,OPERATION:createTopologicalLinkEnd> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS incorrectLinkEnds, userIdentifierNotUnique, incorrectSubnetwork, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToCreateLinkEnd, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToBindLinkEnd, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToSetUserIdentifier, failureToSetDirectionality; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.EstablishTopologicalLinkInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.EstablishTopologicalLinkAndEndsResult; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 8}; releaseSnc ACTION BEHAVIOUR releaseSncBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action is used to release Subnetwork Connection(s). The Subnetwork Connection pointed to by the compositePointer attribute will also be cleared down by this action. If a Link End is involved in the Subnetwork Connection, its attributes idleNWCTPCount, and connectedNWCTPCount will be updated as a result of this action. If implicit TP creation is used, the associated TPs will be deleted when the subnetwork connection is released. <G.852.1,sscc2:Release Point to Point SNC> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS noSuchSnc, sncConnected, failureToRelease; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ReleaseSncInformation; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 9}; releaseTrail ACTION BEHAVIOUR releaseTrailBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action is used to release a Trail. The link connections pointed to by the clientConnectionList and the subnetwork connections pointed to by the layer connection list package will also be released by this action. If successful, the connectivityPointer in the disconnected network trail termination points will be set to NULL as a result of this action. <G.854.6,OPERATION:releaseTrail> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS unknownTrail, trailConnected; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ReleaseTrailInformation; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 10}; removeLogicalLink ACTION BEHAVIOUR removeLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action deletes a logical link. The linkPointerList attribute of the associated subnetworks will be modified to reflect the deletion of the logical link. <G.854.3,OPERATION:deleteLink> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS incorrectLink, linkConnectionsExisting, failureToDeleteLink; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.RemoveLogicalLinkInformation; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 11}; removeLogicalLinkAndEnds ACTION BEHAVIOUR removeLogicalLinkAndEndsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action removes the logical link and logical link end managed objects that represent a link. The linkPointerList attribute of the associated subnetworks will be modified to reflect the deletion of the link. <G.854.3,OPERATION:deleteLink> <G.854.3,OPERATION:deleteLinkEnd> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS incorrectLink, incorrectLinkEnds, networkCTPsExisting, linkConnectionsExisting, failureToDeleteLink; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.RemoveLogicalLinkInformation; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 12}; removeTopologicalLink ACTION BEHAVIOUR removeTopologicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action deletes a topological link. The linkPointerList attribute of the associated subnetworks will be modified to reflect the deletion of the topological link. <G.854.3,OPERATION:deleteTopologicalLink> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS "Recommendation M.3100:1995":noSuchLink, linkConnectionsExisting, failureToDeleteLink; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.RemoveTopologicalLinkInformation; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 13}; removeTopologicalLinkAndEnds ACTION BEHAVIOUR removeTopologicalLinkAndEndsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action deletes a topological link and the topological link end managed objects that represent a topological link. <G.854.3,OPERATION:deleteTopologicalLinkAndEnds> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS "Recommendation M.3100:1995":noSuchLinkEnd, networkCTPsExisting, failureToDeleteTopologicalLinkEnd; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.RemoveTopLinkAndEndsInformation; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 14}; setupSnc ACTION BEHAVIOUR setupSncBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action is used to set up a Subnetwork Connection between network termination points. If a Link End is involved in the Subnetwork Connection, its attributes idleNWCTPCount, and connectedNWCTPCount will be updated as a result of this action. <G.854.01,sscc1:'Setup Point to Point SNC'> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS invalidTransportServiceCharacteristics, incorrectSubnetworkTerminationPoints, aEndNetworkTPConnected, zEndNetworkTPConnected, wrongAEndDirectionality, wrongZEndDirectionality, failureToConnect, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToSetUserIdentifier; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.SetupSncInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.SetupSncResult; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 15}; setupTrail ACTION BEHAVIOUR setupTrailBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This action is used to set up a Trail between network trail termination points. The trail termination points to be connected can be specified in one of two ways: by explicitly identifying the network trail termination points, or by specifying one or more Access Groups from which any idle network trail termination point may be used. The result, if successful, always returns an explicit list of network TTPs. This action will fail if any of the network termination points specified is already involved in a Trail. The Trail will have a directionality (unidirectional or bidirectional) as specified in the action parameter directionality. The identifier of the client will be passed to the server and will be logged by the server against the identifier of the created Trail. <G.854.6,OPERATION:setup point-to-point Trail> ";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS networkTTPsNotPartOfLayerND, aEndNetworkTPConnected, networkTTPsInAEndAccessGroupConnected, zEndNetworkTPConnected, networkTTPsInZEndAccessGroupConnected, userIdentifierNotUnique, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":failureToSetUserIdentifier, "Recommendation M.3100:1995":invalidTPType, invalidTrail, wrongAEndDirectionality, wrongZEndDirectionality, invalidTransportServiceCharacteristics, invalidTrafficDescriptor; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.SetupTrailInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.SetupTrailResult; REGISTERED AS {g85501Action 16}; aEndNetworkTPConnected PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.TPList; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 1}; capacityProvisionned PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.Capacities; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 2}; consistencyFailure PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 3}; failureToAssociate PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 4}; failureToConnect PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.Failed; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 5}; failureToCreateTopologicalLink PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 6}; failureToDeleteLink PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 7}; failureToDeleteTopologicalLinkEnd PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 8}; failureToDisassociate PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 9}; failureToRelease PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.Failed; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 10}; failureToSetDirectionality PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 11}; finalCapacitiesFailure PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.Capacities; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 13}; incorrectLink PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 14}; incorrectLinkEnds PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 15}; incorrectSubnetwork PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 16}; incorrectSubnetworkTerminationPoints PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.TPList; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 17}; initialCapacitiesFailure PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.Capacities; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 18}; invalidTrafficDescriptor PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 19}; invalidTrail PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 20}; invalidTransportServiceCharacteristics PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 21}; linkAndTrailsNotCompatible PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 23}; linkEndAndNetworkTTPsNotCompatible PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 24}; linkConnectionsExisting PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ObjectList; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 25}; networkCTPsExisting PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.TPList; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 26}; networkTTPAlreadyAssociated PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 27}; networkTTPNotAssociated PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 28}; networkTTPsInAEndAccessGroupConnected PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 29}; networkTTPsInZEndAccessGroupConnected PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 30}; networkTTPsNotPartOfLayerND PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.TPList; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 31}; noSuchNetworkTTP PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 32}; noSuchSnc PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 33}; noSuchTrail PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 34}; trailAlreadyAssociated PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 35}; sncConnected PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.TPList; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 36}; trailConnected PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 37}; trailNotAssociated PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 38}; unknownSnc PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.Count; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 39}; unknownTrail PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.None; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 40}; userIdentifierNotUnique PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.UserIdentifier; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 41}; wrongAEndDirectionality PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.Directionality; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 42}; wrongZEndDirectionality PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.Directionality; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 43}; zEndNetworkTPConnected PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX G85501-ASN1TypeModule.TPList; REGISTERED AS {g85501SpecificError 44}; -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004