-- ASN module extracted from ITU-T G.776.1 (10/1998)
-- ASN.1 Module
-- imports AlramStatus type from M3100 standard
G776-1ASN1DefinedTypesModule {itu-t(0) recommendation(0) smo(256) v6(6) informationModel(0) ans1Module(2) 0}
--EXPORTS everything
IMPORTS AlarmStatus
FROM ASN1DefinedTypesModule { itu-t(0) recommendation(0) m(13) gnm(3100) informationModel(0) asn1Modules(2) asn1DefinedTypesModule(0)};
-- Oid Clause
g776-1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {itu-t(0) recommendation(0) smo(256) v6(6) informationModel(0)}
g776-1ObjectClass OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {g776-1 managedObjectClass(3)}
g776-1Package OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {g776-1 package(4)}
g776-1NameBinding OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {g776-1 nameBinding(6)}
g776-1Attribute OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {g776-1 attribute(7)}
g776-1Action OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {g776-1 action(9)}
g776-1Notification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {g776-1 notification(10)}
-- General types definition
AlarmDelay ::= REAL
AlarmExtensionMode ::= ENUMERATED {
perChannel (0),
perPRI (1)
AverageBER ::= SEQUENCE {
mantissa INTEGER (0..8),
exponent INTEGER (0..9)
BaudRate ::= ENUMERATED {
baudRate-300bps (0),
baudRate-600bps (1),
baudRate-1200bps (2),
baudRate-2400bps (3),
baudRate-4800bps (4),
baudRate-9600bps (5),
baudRate-19200bps (6),
baudRate-38400bps (7)
normalRange INTEGER (1..61),
overloadRange INTEGER (64..124)
CASProtocol ::= ENUMERATED {
cas (0),
q50 (1),
q33 (2),
idle (3)
CCAverageBER ::= REAL
CliqueID ::= INTEGER (1..2)
ClockSourcePriorityID ::= ENUMERATED {
primary (0),
secondary (1)
trunkIn (0),
trunkOut (1),
bearerOut (2),
bearerIn (3)
ClockPriorityNumber ::= INTEGER (1..17)
ClockSourceGroup ::= ENUMERATED {
trunkIn (0),
bearerIn (1),
external (2),
internal (3)
ClockSourceGroupPriorityID ::= INTEGER (1..4)
CmifGeneratorProgram ::= PrintableString
CmifSyntax ::= ENUMERATED {
spneMap (0)
CmifVersion ::= PrintableString
ControllerResetState ::= ENUMERATED {
normal (0),
reset (1)
CurrentClockSrc ::= G776-1ClockSource
DataActivityThreshold ::= INTEGER (-40..-25)
DataHangoverFirst ::= REAL
DataHangoverSecond ::= INTEGER (0..255)
DataQueueFreezeoutFraction ::= REAL
DateInstalled ::= PrintableString
g763 (0),
rev2 (1),
celtic3G (2),
dtx240 (3),
dx3000 (4),
dx3000F (5)
Dest ::= SEQUENCE {
ne OnOffIndication,
fe OnOffIndication
DestinationID ::= INTEGER (1..4)
DestinationName ::= PrintableString
DestinationNameAbbreviated ::= PrintableString
DestinationNumberAtFarEnd ::= INTEGER (1..4)
DLC64kbpsControl ::= ENUMERATED {
manualOn (0),
manualOff (1),
auto (2)
DLC64kbpsDeactivationTimer ::= INTEGER
DLC64kbpsState ::= ENUMERATED {
activated (0),
deactivated (1)
DLC64kbpsThreshold ::= INTEGER
DLCAllocatedBearerNibbles ::= INTEGER (0..61)
DLCFirstAveragingPeriod ::= INTEGER
selective (0),
global (1)
DLCVoiceControl ::= ENUMERATED {
manualOn (0),
manualOff (1),
auto (2)
DLCVoiceDeactivationTimer ::= INTEGER
DLCVoiceHighLoadThreshold ::= REAL
DLCVoiceLowLoadThreshold ::= REAL
DLCVoiceState ::= ENUMERATED {
activated (0),
deactivated (1)
Ds0ID ::= INTEGER (1..31)
DspLocation ::= SEQUENCE {
packLoc Location,
dspLoc Location
ECCrcDetection ::= ENUMERATED {
rcvOnly (0),
sndOnly (1),
both (2),
none (3)
ECDataToneDisablerDisableMode ::= ENUMERATED {
none (0),
g164 (1),
g165 (2)
ECDataToneDisablerReenableMode ::= ENUMERATED {
g164g165 (0),
switch56 (1),
endOfCall (2)
ECMethods ::= ENUMERATED {
disable (0),
method1 (1),
method2 (2),
method3 (3),
method4 (4),
method5 (5),
method6 (6),
method7 (7)
ECMinERL ::= INTEGER (0..6)
ECMinERLFar ::= INTEGER (0..6)
ECOffsetDelay ::= INTEGER
ECOffsetDelayFar ::= INTEGER
ECOffsetDelayMax ::= INTEGER
ECOffsetDelayMaxFar ::= INTEGER
ECProcessingCapability ::= ENUMERATED {
cap0ms (0),
cap16ms (1),
cap32ms (2),
cap48ms (3),
cap64ms (4),
cap80ms (5),
cap96ms (6),
cap128ms (7)
pass (0),
correct (1)
ECSignallingToneDisabler ::= ENUMERATED {
none (0),
val2280Hz (1),
val2400Hz (2),
val2600Hz (3),
r1 (4),
r2 (5),
ccitt5 (6),
sigScheme1 (7),
sigScheme2 (8)
pass (0),
correct (1)
ECTimingReference ::= INTEGER
ECTimingReferenceSide ::= ENUMERATED {
near (0),
far (1)
none (0),
enable (1),
disable (2)
ErrorCodes ::= ENUMERATED {
noError (1),
commFailed (2),
unknownCommand (3),
illegalProvCommand (4),
illegalQueryCommand (5),
illegalCommandStructure (6),
illegalAddress (7),
illegalShelfAddress (8),
illegalSlotAddress (9),
illegalLineAddress (10),
invalidFacilityThresholdType (11),
performanceMonitoringDisabled (12),
alarmMonitoringDisabled (13),
invalidMOCreateRequest (14),
invalidMODeleteRequest (15),
gspNotPresent (16),
spmNotPresent (17),
provisionFailure (18),
cciAckTimedOut (19),
mdToJupiterTimeOut (20),
c2AsnMappingFailure (21),
mdMemAllocatinError (22),
ad2ObjConvertionFailure (23),
invalidArgumentError (24),
noAlarms (25),
unknowError (26)
FacilityLoopTest ::= ENUMERATED {
loopNone (0),
loopNear (1),
loopFar (2),
loopBoth (3)
FacsimileBitRateID ::= CHOICE {
v17 [0] ENUMERATED {
val7200bps (0),
val9600bps (1),
val12000bps (2),
val14400bps (3)
v33 [1] ENUMERATED {
val7200bps (0),
val9600bps (1),
val12000bps (2),
val14400bps (3)
v27ter [2] ENUMERATED {
val2400bps (0),
val4800bps (1)
v29 [3] ENUMERATED {
val7200bps (0),
val9600bps (1)
FacsimileCallDirectionID ::= ENUMERATED {
incoming (0),
outgoing (1),
both (2)
FacsimileFECActivation ::= ENUMERATED {
enable (0),
disable (1),
automatic (2)
FacsimileMeanNumberofBanksAllocated ::= INTEGER (0..61)
FacsimileMeanNumberofImageBlocksPerCall ::= INTEGER (0..9999)
FacsimileModulationSchemeID ::= ENUMERATED {
v17 (0),
v27ter (1),
v29 (2),
v33 (3)
FacsimileRemodOutputLevel ::= INTEGER (-39..-13)
FacsimileRemodOutputLevelMode ::= ENUMERATED {
matched (0),
fixed (1)
FCCLocalErrorCount ::= INTEGER (0..255)
FCCRemoteErrorCount ::= INTEGER (0..255)
FileNameId ::= PrintableString
FunctionInfoData ::= SEQUENCE {
templateName [1] TemplateName,
errorDefinition [2] GraphicString,
version [3] GraphicString,
description [4] PrintableString,
dateInstalled [5] ServiceDate,
dateCompiled [6] ServiceDate,
dateDefinedByUser [7] ServiceDate,
functionlist [8] FunctionList
FunctionList ::= SEQUENCE OF TemplateName
FunctionListQueryResult ::= SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {
failed [1] GenericResult,
functionListQueryData [2] FunctionInfoData
FunctionLocationList ::= SEQUENCE OF DspLocation
GenericResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
errorCode ErrorCodes,
description PrintableString
GenericResult ::= SEQUENCE {
errorCode ErrorCodes,
description PrintableString
GenericServiceMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
sourceAddress ServiceChannelId,
destinationAddress ServiceChannelId,
applicationMessage GraphicString
G776-1ClockSource ::= ENUMERATED {
txTrunkPRI1 (0),
txTrunkPRI2 (1),
txTrunkPRI3 (2),
txTrunkPRI4 (3),
txTrunkPRI5 (4),
txTrunkPRI6 (5),
txTrunkPRI7 (6),
txTrunkPRI8 (7),
txTrunkPRI9 (8),
txTrunkPRI10 (9),
txTrunkPRI11 (10),
txTrunkPRI12 (11),
rxBearerPRI1 (12),
rxBearerPRI2 (13),
rxBearerPRI3 (14),
rxBearerPRI4 (15),
externalPRI1 (16),
externalPRI2 (17),
external64kbps1 (18),
external64kbps2 (19),
internalClock (20)
G776-1Option ::= ENUMERATED {
enable (0),
disable (1)
G776-1Response ::= ENUMERATED {
done (0),
objectOutOfConfiguration (1),
operationRefused (2),
operationError (3),
illegalOperation (4),
invalidParameter (5),
internalError (6),
communicationLinkDown (7)
InjectedRxNoiseMax ::= ENUMERATED {
noiseLevel1 (-68),
noiseLevel2 (-65),
noiseLevel3 (-60),
noiseLevel4 (-55),
noiseLevel5 (-50)
InsistMask ::= ENUMERATED {
insistFalse (0),
insistTrue (1)
InstallServiceChannelInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
serviceName GraphicString,
serviceChannelId ServiceChannelId OPTIONAL
ITID ::= INTEGER (1..255)
Location ::= PrintableString
MapCreationDate ::= INTEGER --MMDDYY
MapCreationTime ::= INTEGER --HHMMSS
MapLastUpdatedBy ::= PrintableString
MapName ::= PrintableString
MapNumberOfUpdates ::= INTEGER
MapOrganization ::= PrintableString
MapSiteName ::= PrintableString
MapUpdateDate ::= INTEGER --MMDDYY
MapUpdateTime ::= INTEGER --HHMMSS
MaskPerformanceReports ::= ENUMERATED {
normal (0),
masked (1)
ModuleProvisioningState ::= ENUMERATED {
normal (0),
reloadFromNonVolitile (1),
reloadFromBackup (2)
NodeInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
nodeName PrintableString,
nodeType NodeType,
parentId INTEGER
NodeType ::= ENUMERATED {
service (0),
function (1)
NumberOfADPCMFallbacksDueToNSFFailure ::= INTEGER (0..9999)
NumberOfADPCMFallbacksNotDueToDCNDetection ::= INTEGER (0..9999)
NumberOfFacsimileBankAllocationFailuresDuetoNearEndCongestion ::= INTEGER (0..9999)
NumberOfFacsimileCalls ::= INTEGER (0..9999)
NumberOfFacsimileCallsUsingNonStandardFacilities ::= INTEGER (0..9999)
NumberOfFacsimileCallsUsingStandardFacilities ::= INTEGER (0..9999)
NumberOfFacsimileDemodRemodUnits ::= INTEGER (0..240)
NumberOfImageBlocksAtEachBitRate ::= INTEGER (0..99999)
NumberReceivedBearers ::= INTEGER (1..4)
OnOffIndication ::= ENUMERATED {
off (0),
on (1)
OperationalMode ::= ENUMERATED {
pointToPoint (0),
multiClique (1),
multiDestination (2),
mixed (3)
PackMaintenanceState ::= ENUMERATED {
normal (0),
remove (1),
insert (2)
PeakNumberOfFacsimileBanksAllocated ::= INTEGER (0..60)
Percentage ::= REAL
PerformanceCountsClearState ::= ENUMERATED {
normal (0),
clear (1)
PoolReceiveID ::= INTEGER (1..2)
PoolSize ::= INTEGER (0..31)
PoolSizeInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
shelfId INTEGER,
functionTemplateName TemplateName,
functionLocationList FunctionLocationList OPTIONAL,
insist InsistMask
PoolThresholdGetResult ::= SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {
failed [0] GenericResponse,
poolThresholdInfo [1] PoolThresholdInfo
PoolThresholdInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
functionTemplateName TemplateName,
trigger INTEGER,
reset INTEGER,
direction PoolDirection
PoolDirection ::= INTEGER (1..2)
PoolTransmitID ::= INTEGER (1..2)
PortType ::= ENUMERATED {
async (0),
sync (1)
PRIFrameFormat ::= CHOICE {
superframe (0),
extendedSuperframe (1)
crcOff (0),
crcOn (1)
PRILineCode ::= CHOICE {
b8ZS (0),
ami (1),
zcs (2)
hdb3 (0),
cmi (1)
PriLineImpedance ::= CHOICE {
val75ohm (0),
val110ohm (1),
val120ohm (2)
val133feet (0),
val266feet (1),
val399feet (2),
val533feet (3),
val655feet (4)
PriSignalling ::= CHOICE {
none (0),
rbs (1),
dmi (2)
none (0),
cas (1)
rate1544 (0),
rate2048 (1)
Q50Type ::= ENUMERATED {
typeA (0),
typeASimplified (1),
typeB (2),
ess4 (3),
none (4)
RemoteITID ::= INTEGER (1..360)
RemoveServiceChannelInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
serviceChannelId ServiceChannelId,
unLink UnLinkMask
ReserveClockSrc ::= G776-1ClockSource
RetrieveServiceTreeResult ::= SEQUENCE OF NodeInfo
RxBC ::= INTEGER (1..61)
ServiceChannelId ::= INTEGER
ServiceInfoData ::= SEQUENCE {
templateName [1] TemplateName,
errorDefinition [2] GraphicString,
version [3] GraphicString,
description [4] PrintableString,
dateInstalled [5] ServiceDate,
dateCompiled [6] ServiceDate,
dateDefinedByUser [7] ServiceDate
ServiceDate ::= PrintableString
ServiceListQueryResult ::= SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {
failed [1] GenericResult,
serviceListQueryData [2] ServiceInfoData
ServiceName ::= PrintableString
SignallingIdleCode ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (4)) --Values 0001 to 1111
SignallingTransition ::= ENUMERATED {
none (0),
state2 (1),
state4 (2),
state16 (3),
clear (4),
invert (5),
zero (6),
one (7)
normal (0),
reloadFromNonVolatile (1),
reloadFromBackup (2)
TCAssignment ::= ENUMERATED {
outOfConfiguration (0),
dynamic (1),
preassigned64kbps (2),
preassigned40kbps (3),
preassigned32kbps (4),
preassigned24kbps (5),
preassigned16kbps (6)
TCID ::= INTEGER (1..360)
TemplateName ::= PrintableString
TimeInterval ::= INTEGER (1..60)
TimeStamp ::= SEQUENCE {
month INTEGER (1..12),
day INTEGER (1..31),
hour INTEGER (0..23),
minute INTEGER (0..59),
second INTEGER (0..59)
TS16Usage ::= ENUMERATED {
cas (0),
ccs (1),
traffic (2)
TXBC ::= INTEGER (1..61)
UnLinkMask ::= ENUMERATED {
unLinkFalse (0), -- Reject removeServiceChannel request,
-- if Service still has external
-- connections.
unLinkTrue (1) -- The API will automatically disconnect
-- the connections to and from the
-- Service Channel that is to be deleted.
USMInterval ::= INTEGER (2..16)
r1 (0),
r2d (1)
VoiceAverageBitsPerSample ::= REAL
VoiceOrData ::= ENUMERATED {
voice (0),
data (1)
VoicebandCodingAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED {
bit8ALawG711PCM (0),
bit8MuLawG711PCM (1),
bit5G726ADPCM (2),
bit4G726ADPCM (3),
bit3G726ADPCM (4),
bit2G726ADPCM (5),
bit5G727ADPCM (6),
bit4G727ADPCM (7),
bit3G727ADPCM (8),
bit2G727ADPCM (9)
VoicebandCodingAlgorithmInUse ::= ENUMERATED {
bit8ALawG711PCM (0),
bit8MuLawG711PCM (1),
bit5G726ADPCM (2),
bit4G726ADPCM (3),
bit3G726ADPCM (4),
bit2G726ADPCM (5),
bit5G727ADPCM (6),
bit4G727ADPCM (7),
bit3G727ADPCM (8),
bit2G727ADPCM (9)
-- Types Related to Reports
ReportPrefix ::= SEQUENCE {
clusterNumber INTEGER (1..15),
terminalNumber INTEGER (1..15),
trunksInConfig INTEGER (1..12),
bearersInConfig INTEGER (1..4),
time TimeStamp
--* Bearer Report *
BearerControlChannelDest ::= SEQUENCE {
destinationNumber DestinationID,
averageBER AverageBER,
berExcess Percentage,
unavailSec Percentage,
sevErrSec Percentage,
dcmeFrameAlarmSec INTEGER (0..600)
CCErrorPerformanceACCReportRequestResult ::= SEQUENCE {
header ReportPrefix,
bearerControlChannel SET OF BearerControlChannelDest
--* Busiest Period Report *
BusiestPeriodReportRequestResult ::= SEQUENCE {
header ReportPrefix,
timePeriod SET OF TimePeriodClique,
busPrdAccDlc SET OF BusPrdAccDlcDest,
busPrdAccPeakTop SET OF BusPrdAccPeakTopClique,
busPrdAccPeakBottom SET OF BusPrdAccPeakBottomDest
BusPrdAccDlcDest ::= SEQUENCE {
destinationNumber DestinationID,
voiceOnRatio BusPrdAccDlcDestRowPercentage,
kbs64OnRatio BusPrdAccDlcDestRowPercentage,
numOfOperations BusPrdAccDlcDestRow
BusPrdAccDlcDestRow ::= SEQUENCE {
total INTEGER (0..9999),
nearEnd INTEGER (0..9999),
farEnd INTEGER (0..9999)
BusPrdAccDlcDestRowPercentage ::= SEQUENCE {
total Percentage,
nearEnd Percentage,
farEnd Percentage
BusPrdAccPeakBottomDest ::= SEQUENCE {
destinationNumber DestinationID,
maxNumOfOutgoingFaxCallsVal INTEGER,
maxNumOfOutgoingFaxCallsTime Time,
maxNumOfIncomingFaxCallsVal INTEGER,
maxNumofIncomingFaxCallsTime Time,
maxNumOfOutgoingNonFaxVBDCallsVal INTEGER,
maxNumOfOutgoingNonFaxVBDCallsTime Time,
maxNumOfIncomingNonFaxVBDCallsVal INTEGER,
maxNumOfIncomingNonFaxVBDCallsTime Time,
maxNumOfOutgoing64kbsCallsVal INTEGER,
maxNumOfOutgoing64kbsCallsTime Time,
maxNumOfIncomming64kbsCallsVal INTEGER,
maxNumOfIncoming64kbsCallsTime Time
BusPrdAccPeakTopClique ::= SEQUENCE {
cliqueNumber CliqueID,
maxVoiceActivityRatioVal Percentage,
maxVoiceActivityRatioTime Time,
worstAverageBitsPerSampleVal Percentage,
worstAverageBitsPerSampleTime Time,
wostVoiceFreezeOutRatioVal Percentage,
worstVoiceFreezeOutRatioTime Time,
maxDataActivityRatioVal Percentage,
maxDataActivityRatioTime Time,
worstDataFreezeOutRatioVal Percentage,
worstDataFreezeOutRatioTime Time,
maxNumOfNonFaxVBDCallsVal INTEGER,
maxNumOfNonFaxVBDCallsTime Time,
maxNumOfFaxBanksVal INTEGER,
maxNumOfFaxBanksTime Time,
maxNumOfOutgoingFaxCallsVal INTEGER,
maxNumOfOutgoingFaxCallsTime Time,
maxNumOfIncomingFaxCallsVal INTEGER,
maxNumOfIncomingFaxCallsTime Time,
maxNumOf64kbpCallsVal INTEGER,
maxNumOf64kbsCallsTime Time
TimePeriodClique ::= SEQUENCE {
cliqueNumber INTEGER,
startTime Time,
endTime Time
Time ::= GeneralizedTime
--* Fax Report *
FAXACCReportRequestResult ::= SEQUENCE {
header ReportPrefix,
faxStiCliqueTable SET OF FaxStiClique
FaxStiCallsDest ::= SEQUENCE {
destinationNumber DestinationID,
numOfOutgoingFaxCalls INTEGER (0..9999),
numOfIncomingFaxCalls INTEGER (0..9999),
numOfSFFaxCalls INTEGER (0..9999),
numOfNSFFaxCalls INTEGER (0..9999),
localErrorCount REAL,
remoteErrorCount REAL
FaxStiClique ::= SEQUENCE {
faxStiCallsTable SET OF FaxStiCallsDest,
faxStiImageBlocksTable SET OF FaxStiImageBlocksDest,
percentTimeFECActivated Percentage,
cliqueNumber CliqueID,
aveNumOfImageBlocksPerCall Percentage,
meanNumOfFAXBanks REAL,
maxNumOfFAXBanks REAL,
fallbacksToADPCM INTEGER (0..9999),
demShortage INTEGER (0..9999),
unclassifiedBlocks INTEGER (0..9999),
faxBankShortage Percentage,
nssCodeInList INTEGER (0..9999)
FaxStiImageBlocks ::= SEQUENCE {
destinationNumber DestinationID,
v17-14-4KBS INTEGER,
v17-1-2KBS REAL,
v17-9-6KBS REAL,
v17-7-2KBS REAL,
v29-9-6KBS REAL,
v29-7-2KBS REAL,
v27-4-8KBS REAL,
v27-2-4KBS REAL
FaxStiImageBlocksDest ::= SEQUENCE {
outgoingImageBlocks FaxStiImageBlocks,
incomingImageBlocks FaxStiImageBlocks
ActivateLEDTestInformation ::= "To be defined"
ActivateLEDTestResult ::= "To be defined"
DeactivateLEDTestInformation ::= "To be defined"
DeactivateLEDTestResult ::= "To be defined"
PoolLockInformation ::= "To be defined"
PoolQueryResult ::= "To be defined"
PoolLockInformation ::= "To be defined"
PoolThresholdGetInfo ::= "To be defined"
RunECSelfTestOutofServiceInformation ::= "To be defined"
RunECSelfTestOutofServiceResult ::= "To be defined"
RunSoftResetInformation ::= "To be defined"
RunSoftResetResult ::= "To be defined"
ServicePoolQuery ::= "To be defined"
TerminalInConfigurationInformation ::= "To be defined"
TerminalInConfigurationResult ::= "To be defined"
TerminalOutOfConfigurationInformation ::= "To be defined"
TerminalOutOfConfigurationResult ::= "To be defined"
TimeUpdateInformation ::= "To be defined"
TimeUpdateResult ::= "To be defined"
UploadMapInformation ::= "To be defined"
UploadMapResult ::= "To be defined"
NotYetDefined ::= "To be defined"