Information & Communications Technologies (ICTs) can be used in a number of ways
to meet the requirements of the three main pillars of the Bali Action Plan
arising from COP-13 in December 2007: enhanced action on adaptation, cooperative
action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and actions on mitigation of climate
ICTs can address these and the problems that all countries (particularly
developing countries) face with respect to Climate Change. ICTs can be used to
mitigate the impact of other sectors on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to
help countries adapt to climate change.
These impacts are described in this paper.
This report was prepared by a team of experts led by Keith Dickerson (Climate
Associates) comprising Daniela Torres (Telef�nica), Jean-Manuel Canet (France
Telecom), John Smiciklas (Research In Motion), Dave Faulkner (Climate
Associates) and Cristina Bueti, Alexandre Vassiliev (International
Telecommunication Union).
(06 December 2010)
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