ITU-T Study Group 16 (Study Period 2005-2008) |
Question 17/16 - Voice gateway equipment |
(Continuation of Question 7/15)
- Motivation
This Question deals with the General Switched Telephone Network (GSTN)/Packet network voice gateway equipment
such as Transport Network Equipment for Interconnecting General Switched Telephone Networks (GSTN) to Internet
protocol Networks (TIGIN). Circuit switched systems and equipment have traditionally transported voice and
voice-band traffic in international networks. With the advent of networks using Internet Protocol and ATM, and
as a result of the considerable growth in these types of networks, more and more speech traffic is expected to be
carried over these transport networks.
For the next several years, much of this voice and voice-band data traffic will pass through equipment interconnecting
the GSTN and networks optimized for internet protocol and/or ATM networks. For this reason, there is a need to ensure a
high quality of service for voice and voice-band data carried in part or wholly via networks optimized for Internet
Protocol or ATM networks. Recommendations for protocols exist or are being developed for converting and transporting
GSTN originated voice and voice-band data over packet and cell-based networks. The interworking of these is covered by
other Recommendations. It is the purpose of this Question to encompass these Recommendations under various equipment
specifications and to include performance requirements and tests that will help ensure that the correct and appropriate
functionality is present in this equipment. It is not proposed to redefine these existing protocols or define new ones.
The following major Recommendations, in force at the time of approval of this Question, fall under its responsibility:
G.776.1, G.799.1/Y.1451.1
- Study Items
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
- What functionality, interfaces, performance requirements and functional tests need to be specified and recommended for Transport network equipment for Interconnecting GSTN and networks optimized for Internet protocol and/or ATM Networks to provide good performance in the network?
- What impact do speech-processing issues related to voice gateway equipment have on overall network performance?
- What protocols and Internet interworking functions need to be supported?
- What functionality needs to be supported to ensure minimal end-to-end delay?
- What are the effects of placing voice gateway equipment in tandem and methods of minimizing the impact of these effects?
- What is the impact of evolving terminal equipment (such as text telephones, modems, fax, wireless and multimedia terminals) and how should voice gateway functionality be optimized with the way in which ATM and IP networks transport voice and voice-band data traffic?
- What are the requirements of using various speech coding algorithms and how should the principles used in Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment (DCME) and Packet Circuit Multiplication Equipment (PCME) be utilized for transport over ATM and IP networks?
- Tasks
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
- Revise Recommendation G.799.1/Y.1451.1 as necessary
- Develop an enhancement of G.799.1/Y.1451.1 to include support of ATM networks for GSTN interface.
- Develop new Recommendation on IP to IP Gateway that may be used by two network operators for the bulk interconnection of voice and voice-band data traffic at the IP level
- Update Recommendation G.776.1 as necessary
An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the
SG 16 Work Programme.
- Relationships
- G.168, H.248 series, T.38, V.150 series.
- Q.16/16, Q.16/16, Q.18/16;
- Q.26(H)/16, Q.3/16, Q.5/16, Q.9/16, Q.10/16, Q.11/16, Q.14/16
Study Groups:
- ITU-T SG 4 on TMN;
- ITU-T SG 7 on Data Protocols;
- ITU-T SG 11 on Signalling;
- ITU-T SG 12 on performance;
- ITU-T SG 15 on synchronization and management of transport systems and equipment;
- ITU-R SG 8 on IMT-2000 and beyond
- ITU-R SG4 WP4B on voice on mixed terrestrial/satellite networks.
Other bodies:
- IETF Working Groups SIGTRAN, MEGACO, AVT, IPPM and IPTEL on IP transport, MSEC and IPSEC on security, RMONMIB, SNMPCONF on operation and management, FAX on internet fax application, IPPM on IP performance metrics;
- ETSI TISPAN on architectures;
- ATM Forum group VMOA on Protocols.
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