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>> Study Group 12 : Performance and quality of service
Question 16/12 - Broadband and IP-related resource management
(Continuation of Question 4/13)


Recommendations I.371, I.378 and Y.1221 describe the present set of ATM layer, ATM Adaptation Layer Type 2, and IP transfer capabilities and related traffic control and congestion control functions. A comparable set of specifications should be developed to provide a basis for traffic contracts and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in MPLS and Ethernet networks. These specifications should define MPLS and Ethernet transfer capabilities and traffic descriptors with particular emphasis on the traffic aspects of Quality of Service (QoS). Such specifications will be essential to the provision of assured QoS levels in MPLS and Ethernet networks.


Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:

� Items related to MPLS and Ethernet

  • What framework should be used in specifying traffic control and congestion control requirements for MPLS and Ethernet traffic?
  • How should the traffic aspects of SLAs for MPLS and Ethernet based services be defined?
  • What specific MPLS and Ethernet transfer capabilities and associated traffic contracts should be defined in SLA statements, for real-time and non-real-time applications?
  • What policy guidelines should be recommended for defining traffic aspects in SLAs for MPLS and Ethernet based services?
  • What resource management and congestion control functions should be specified for MPLS and Ethernet traffic?
  • What traffic engineering methods and tools should be specified for MPLS and Ethernet traffic?

� Items related to IP

  • What new or revised transfer capabilities and traffic descriptors should be defined for IP-based networks?
  • How should such traffic attributes be specified in SLAs, and in internetwork signalling messages?
  • What traffic engineering methods and tools should be specified for IP traffic?

� Items related to interworking

  • How can the definitions for particular transfer capabilities be related among interworking technologies (e.g., ATM, IP, MPLS, and Ethernet)?
  • How can the numerical values for particular traffic descriptors be related among interworking technologies?
  • How can end-to-end traffic characteristics be described in hybrid network configurations?
  • What traffic engineering methods and tools can be recommended for resource management and congestion control in hybrid network configurations?


Tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Creation of a new Recommendation on MPLS/Ethernet traffic control and congestion control that defines the notion of MPLS/Ethernet traffic contract, which includes the specification of MPLS/Ethernet transfer capabilities, and clarifies the relationship with MPLS/Ethernet QoS classes. (Deadline: end 2005).
  • Creation of a second release of new Recommendation Y.1221 that includes traffic engineering methods and traffic engineering tools for IP.
  • Creation of a new Recommendation on resource management and traffic control in hybrid network configurations
  • Maintenance and enhancement of Recommendations I.371 and I.178.


Recommendations: I.350 series, I.360 series, I.370 series; Y.1541.

Questions: 17/12 and 2/13, 4/13

Study Groups: 

ITU-T Study Group on traffic engineering (to coordinate the work on traffic aspects and traffic engineering related to the B-ISDN)

ITU-T Study Group on signalling (to identify the requirements of traffic and congestion control functions on the signalling protocols)

ITU-T Study Group on transmission systems (to coordinate work on ATM, IP, MPLS, and Ethernet equipment)

Standardisation bodies fora and consortia:

ITU-R Study Groups (to coordinate work on broadcasting and mobile aspects).

ATM Forum (to coordinate work on traffic aspects related to ATM)

Metro Ethernet Forum (to coordinate work on traffic aspects related to Ethernet)

IETF (to coordinate work on traffic aspects related to IP/MPLS).

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