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SG12 RG - AFR (Study Period 2005 - 2008)
Terms of Reference Contact:

Terms of reference of the Regional Group of SG 12
on QoS issues for Africa region


During the study period 2205-2008, several actions have been done inside SG12 in order to implement WTSA Resolutions 17 (Telecommunication standardization in relation to the interests of developing countries) and 44 (Bridging the standardization Gap between developing and developed countries) and to take into account Resolution 123 of Plenipotentiary Conference

After a lot of consultations, it has been decided that the best approach should be to create a Regional group, as defined in WTSA Resolution 54.

1. Decision

Study Group 12 established a Regional Group on QoS issues for Africa region (SG12 RG - AFR) at its 22-30 May 2008 meeting.

2. Objectives

The main objectives of the Regional Group are as follows:
a) To encourage to take an active participation in work of ITU-T SG12 by African Regulators and Operators, and in the implementation of the ITU-T Recommendations on Performance/QoS and QoE.

b) To boost discussions on QoS challenges facing operators and regulators in the continent.

c) To encourage participation by African countries in the Rapporteur’s meeting, workshops and other SG 12 events.

The SG12 Regional Group for Africa on QoS will offer help to potential interested experts to join and participate to the informal mailing list discussions, in order increase the participation of experts to the work of the Questions. It will provide at least the major information from the workshops and SG12 events and will encourage expects to submit papers to these events.

d) To encourage African countries to contribute to the work of ITU-T SG12 and in particular to the new/revised Recommendations developed by ITU-T SG12.

e) To encourage the African countries to actively participate in QSDG and other QoS related meetings, at least when such meetings are organized in the African Region.

f) To ensure that ITU-T SG12 avails relevant information on standards applicable to telecommunication networks, including test equipment for QoS monitoring and measuring

g) Act as liaison body between African telecommunication operators/regulators and ITU-T SG12 in matters relating to QoS standards.
3. Management of the SG12 Regional Group for Africa

Chairman and Vice-Chairman are nominated for a term of two years. The nominations are endorsed by SG12 Plenary.
  • Chairman: Mr. Daniel Waturu, Kenya
  • Vice-Chairman: Mr. Abdel-Nasser Mama Tour� (Benin)

4. Web site

The contents of the website shall be defined by Management of SG12 Regional Group for Africa, with the endorsement of SG12 Management team.

5. Working methods
5.1 Leadership

A chairman and vice-chairman are initially appointed by the parent study group for a term of two years. If needed, after the initial formation of the Regional Group, subsequent management appointments will be made by the Regional Group.

5.2 Participation Participation is open to any individual expert from a country which is a member of ITU, who wishes to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations.

Participation in Regional Group should not be used as an alternative to ITU membership.

A list of participants is to be maintained for reference purposes.

5.3 General financing of Regional Group

Each Regional Group will determine its own method of financing.

Regional Group will not draw on ITU-T funds or resources except for the use of Telecommunication Information Exchange Services (TIES).

5.4 Financing of meetings

It is suggested that financing of meetings and their preparation be accomplished by volunteer hosting in a similar manner to Rapporteur groups, or on the basis of financial arrangements determined by the Regional Group.

5.5 Administrative support

Regional Group can establish their own method of providing and financing administrative support between meetings, where administrative services are requested from TSB. The costs, except costs for the use of TIES, are to be covered by the Regional Group concerned.

5.6 Meeting logistics

The frequency and location of meetings is decided by each Regional Group. Electronic document handling methods should be used as much as possible to advance the work rapidly, e.g. by using electronic conferences, World Wide Web.

5.7 Working language

The language to be used will be mutually agreed by the Regional Group participants.

5.8 Deliverables

Deliverables shall be in the form of contributions from the countries of the region, reports, etc. to the parent study group.

5.9 Approval of deliverables

Regional Groups can establish their own rules of approval. However, it is expected generally that approval shall be obtained by consensus in which each Regional Group participant can express an opinion.

5.10 Printing and distribution of deliverables

Regional Group may select the method of printing and distribution of deliverables. Deliverables to the parent study group shall be in the form of contributions.

Use of the world wide web is encouraged.

5.11 Progress reports

Regional Group progress reports are to be provided to the parent study group meeting.

These progress reports to the parent study group should include the following information:
  • an updated work plan, including a schedule of planned meetings;
  • status of work with reference to the work plan, including a list of outputs;
  • summary of contributions considered by the Regional Group;
  • list of attendees at all meetings held since the last progress report.
5.12 Meeting announcements

The formation of a Regional Group will be announced in cooperation with the parent study group via ITU publications and other means, including communication with other organizations and/or experts, technical journals and the World Wide Web.

The process of announcing subsequent meetings can be decided by the Regional Group.

5.13 Working guidelines

Regional Group may develop additional internal working guidelines as required.


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